Configuring the BPM Database Server Using SQL Server

Create a SQL Server instance, configure it, and restart it.


  1. Create a SQL Server instance that will be used to hold the ActiveMatrix BPM database.
    Note: The ActiveMatrix BPM database (for each BPM system) and ActiveMatrix Administrator database can, if desired, use the same SQL Server instance.
  2. Configure the SQL Server instance to use mixed (Windows and SQL Server) authentication.
  3. Enable the TCP/IP network protocol for the SQL Server instance.

    For example:

    1. In SQL Server Configuration Manager, expand SQL Server Network Configuration.
    2. Click Protocols for instance_name where instance_name is the name of the SQL Server instance.
    3. Right-click TCP/IP and click Enable.
  4. Enable support for XA transactions.
    To do this:
    1. Download and install the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver. See JDBC Drivers for details of supported versions.
    2. Copy the extended stored procedure dll (sqljdbc_xa.dll) from the location where you installed the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver to the SQL Server instance's Binn folder.

      For example, copy the dll to:

      C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Binn

    3. Run SQL Server Management Studio as an administrator of the SQL Server instance.
    4. From the location where you installed the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver, run the sqljdbc_n.n\enu\xa\xa_install.sql script against the master database, where n.n is the version number of the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver you are using.
      Note: The first time you run this you may see errors about failing to drop procedures. These errors may be ignored as the procedures do not exist yet.
    5. Click Control Panel > Administrative Tools.
    6. Double-click Component Services.
    7. Right-click Component Services > Computer > My Computer > Distributed Transaction > Local DTC and select Properties.
    8. Click Security. Select Enable XA transactions.
  5. Restart the SQL Server instance.