Configuring Presentation Channels

The Presentation Channel preferences govern the runtime environment in which forms are built, previewed and deployed. These can be configured at project level or globally for all projects.

Note: If multiple form designers are working on the same project or projects, they should all have the same Presentation Channels configured in their respective workspaces.

For more information on Presentation Channels, see TIBCO Business Studio Process Modeling Guide.


  1. Select the project in the Project Explorer, and click File > Properties.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left side of the Properties dialog, click Presentation Channels, and select the Enable project specific settings check box.
  3. Double-click Default Channel (or other presentation channel you are using, if applicable) to edit the list of included channel types. You can have the following setting:
    • By default, Google Web Toolkit (GWT) environment is enabled. Workspace Google Web Toolkit, Openspace Google Web Toolkit, and Openspace Email check boxes are selected (GWT Preview tab is displayed)
    • To enable the Openspace Mobile environment, select the Openspace Mobile check box (Mobile Preview tab is displayed)
  4. Click Finish and OK when you are done to close the dialogs. In Google Web Toolkit (GWT) environment, the changes take effect immediately just by refreshing or reactivating the preview tab.
    Note: To configure Presentation Channel globally, go to Window > Preferences > Presentation Channels. The Default Channel (Default) is displayed in the right side pane. Double-click Default Channel to edit the list of included channel types. The changes made at this level will apply to all projects that do not have the Enabled project specific settings check box enabled.