Auditing Level

ActiveMatrix BPM enables you to choose an appropriate level of auditing for your system.

  • Default  As delivered, ActiveMatrix BPM audits only some messages. The selection includes all ERROR messages, but only some of AUDIT level. These messages are explicitly listed by their IDs in ec-probe.rules.xml. If publishing is enabled, some or all of the audited messages are also published to the JMS topic.
    Note: Note that:
    • An event can only be published if the rules in ec-probe.rules.xml have caused the message to be sent to the CENTRALEC channel for central auditing.
    • Possible severity levels for messages are DEBUG, TRACE, INFO, AUDIT, SERVICE, > WARN, ERROR, and FATAL. Messages with a severity of AUDIT, WARN, ERROR, or FATAL may be audited.
  • Tailored  You can tailor the level of auditing, by customizing the files provided, for example:
    • To increase the scope of auditing so that all messages with a severity of either AUDIT or ERROR are audited and can be published
    • Or by specifying individual messages that should or should not be audited