Using the Lightweight TIBCO Component Framework

A lightweight version of the TIBCO Component Framework is available.

The lightweight version:

  • supports the use of business component services and the objectAPI.
  • does NOT support the use of business components.
  • removes the dependency on the Angular Material library. The business components in TIBCO Component Framework are based on Angular Material. The service's methods also use Angular Material to display alert dialogs and confirmation messages. Therefore, since the lightweight framework does not load Angular Material, the default error messages that appear when you use TIBCO Component Framework are not available with the lightweight version. If you want to show the error messages, implement the onFailure() callback method for the service calls and show your own alert dialogs.

Applications that do not use business components can use the lightweight TIBCO Component Framework (tcfservices.nocache.js) instead of the original framework (tcf.nocache.js), to benefit from improved resource load times. (Applications that use business components must continue to use the original version of the TIBCO Component Framework (tcf.nocache.js)).


  1. In Application Management, edit the index.html file (or other host file) of your existing deployed application (where you have used tcf.nocache.js):
    1. Add the following statement at the end of the <script> tags in the HTML HEAD section:
      <script type="text/javascript" src="/apps/app-cdn/tcfservices/tcfservices.nocache.js"></script>
    2. Comment out the line:
      <script type="text/javascript" src="/apps/app-cdn/tcf/tcf.nocache.js"></script>
  2. Save the changes.
  3. Analyze your service calls and make sure to report error messages to the user using the onFailure() method.
    As explained above, default error dialogs are not displayed to the user since Angular Material is not used.
  4. Publish the modified application.