
Checks the authorization for the given profileCode. Returns true if authorized, false if not authorized.

The profileCode corresponds to the access element name attribute values in the following:

  • UserAccessSets in userAccess.xml - Used when user access sets are being used to specify access privileges.
  • AccessDefaults in config.xml - Used to specify default access privileges when user access sets are not being used.

The nesting of the elements is represented in the profileCode as the name values separated by a '.' character. Consider the following excerpt from the userAccess.xml file:

<access name="WorkView">
   <access name="SupervisedWorkItem">
      <access name="Cancel"/>
      <access name="Skip"/>
      <access name="Reoffer"/>
      <access name="AllocateToAnother">

To determine the authorization for re-offering work items from a supervised work view, pass the following for profileCode:

  • WorkView.SupervisedWorkItem.Reoffer




  • profileCode - (String) Identifies the function for which you are determining authorization. This consists of the name attributes as described above, separated by dot (.) characters.


  • boolean