Required External Libraries on an HP-UX (64-bit)/Itanium Platform

Before trying to run TIBCO Configuration Tool in GUI mode on an HP-UX (64-bit)/Itanium platform, make sure that the required libraries are installed on the machine on which you are trying to run TIBCO Configuration Tool.

The libraries are:

  • gtk+2-2.24.10-ia64-11.23.depot
  • gcc-ia64-4.7.0.depot
  • libgcc-4.2.3-ia64-11.23.depot
  • glib2-2.32.3-ia64-11.23.depot
  • cairo-1.12.2-ia64-11.23.depot
  • atk-2.4.0-ia64-11.23.depot
  • pixman-0.26.0-ia64-11.23.depot
  • gdk_pixbuf-2.26.1-ia64-11.23.depot
  • libpng-1.5.12-ia64-11.23.depot
  • libXft-2.2.0-ia64-11.23.depot
  • libXrender-0.9.7-ia64-11.23.depot
  • bzip2-1.0.6-ia64-11.23.depot
  • fontconfig-2.9.0-ia64-11.23.depot
  • freetype-2.4.10-ia64-11.23.depot
  • zlib-1.2.7-ia64-11.23.depot
  • expat-2.1.0-ia64-11.23.depot
  • libffi-3.0.11-ia64-11.23.depot
  • intltool-0.50.2-ia64-11.23.depot
  • gettext-
  • libiconv-1.14-ia64-11.23.depot

TIBCO Configuration Tool will fail to launch in GUI mode if any of these external libraries are not installed.