
Sets or updates the candidate query assignments to the identified position or group.

Each position or group may only hold one candidate query. Any existing assignment is overwritten by a new assignment. Candidate queries span all organization model versions in which the identified organization model entityposition or group exists. Therefore, the request does not include a model version.

  • The request specifies the position or group to which the resultant candidates are assigned.

    The query for candidates is processed at the time specified by the AutoResourceGenStart property in DE.Properties. For information about all candidate query-related properties, see the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Administration guide.

  • The response indicates whether or not the query was successful.
Required System Action
LDAPAdmin or resourceAdmin (LDAPAdmin allows access to all positions and LDAP containers, in the case where restrictions have been placed on access to organizations and LDAP containers)
API Descriptions