Workspace Node: Data Health Check Summary - Specifications - Invariant Variables Tab

In the Data Health Check Summary node dialog box, under the Specifications heading, select the Invariant Variables tab to access the following options.

Element Name Description
Run invariance check Select this check box to perform the check for invariant variables as defined by the other options on this tab.
Continuous Variables The option in this group box defines how Statistica identifies invariant continuous variables.
Coefficient of variation threshold (absolute value) Enter the minimum coefficient of variation to use in determining invariant variables. If a variables coefficient of variation is less than or equal to the number entered here, the variable will be removed from the data set. Coefficient of variation is calculated as the standard deviation divided by its mean.
Categorical Variables The options in this group box define how Statistica identifies invariant categorical variables.
greater than percentage Select this option button to have Statistica identify invariant categorical variable by the percentage specified in the Invariant threshold numeric input box.
greater than the number of observations Select this option button to have Statistica identify invariant categorical variable by the number of cases specified in the Invariant threshold numeric input box.
Invariant threshold Enter the threshold for Statistica to use to identify invariant categorical variables.

Options. See Common Options.

OK Click the OK button to accept all the specifications made in the dialog box and to close it.