3D Displays
- Can I rotate or adjust the perspective of a 3D graph?
- How do I perform exploratory spinning of 3D data displays?
- How do I change the axis proportions in 3D graphs?
- How do I define a custom selection of levels for a contour plot or surface plot?
- How do I define a custom palette for a contour plot or surface plot?
- Can I 3D zoom on a selected cube?
Yes. To select a cube in a 3D graph, click the zoom inbutton and drag the cursor
across the portion of the graph you want to select. A cube will be drawn, and its sides will be reflected on the three axis. You can fine-tune the sides of the cube by dragging any of resizing handles on the side reflections (the cursor will change to a double headed arrow
when the handle is selected). You can also move the cube to another location on the graph, by dragging any of the side reflections (the cursor will change to a four headed arrow
when the procedure is possible).
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