Independent Component Analysis Deployment

Independent component analysis is a unsupervised data-mining method. Statistica provides the deployment of PMML model in Independent Component Analysis module.


Element Name Description
Detail of computed results reported Detail of computed results; if Minimal results is requested, then un-mixing matrix spreadsheet will be displayed; otherwise, the components spreadsheet, the line plots of the components, and the scatterplots of the components will be displayed.
Select PMML models for deployment Give PMML file names as well as their paths to be deployed with input data. File names are separated with '|'
Selection of variables Selects how the variables for the deployment are to be determined.

 If you choose From PMML file, then any existing (user-defined) variable selections will be ignored, and the program will attempt to automatically determine the variables in the data file that match those (using the same name) referenced as predictors or dependent variable in the PMML file.

 If you select User defined (selected) then any references to specific variables in the PMML file will be ignored, and the model specified in the PMML code will be applied to the variables selected by the user.
MD casewise deletion If true, use casewise deletion method to deal with missing data; otherwise, use mean substitution to replace the missing data.
Save components Save components for further analysis.