Random Sample Filtering

This node computes and creates a new output data spreadsheet as a random sample of the input data. The user may choose to either use a specified percentage of the cases or an approximate constant number of cases. The user can also specify whether to sample with or without replacement (of cases).

 For targeted over/under sampling of particular groups (strata), see also the Stratified Random Sampling options.


Element Name Description
Percent or number of cases Determines whether to use the percentage value or the approximate number of cases.
Percent of cases The percentage of cases to use.
Number of cases The approximate number of cases to use.
With replacement Determines whether to filter with replacement.


Element Name Description
Subset variables downstream This node will create a data spreadsheet for further subsequent analyses. You can either create a subset of the variables, retaining only those that were selected for the analyses (select Yes), or you can 'carry along' all variables from the original input data source.