Time Series Analysis - Partial Autocorrelations

A partial autocorrelation is the correlation of a series with itself, shifted by a particular lag of k observations, and controlling for the correlations for all shifts of 1 through k-1. The plot of partial autocorrelations for various lags is a crucial tool for determining an appropriate model for ARIMA analysis (see ARIMA Overview and Time Series Analysis Index). The computations of the partial autocorrelation coefficients φk follow the standard formulas, as described in most time series references (e.g., Box & Jenkins, 1976).

Standard error of φk. Under the assumption that the true autoregressive process in the series is of order p ≤ k-1, then the approximate standard error of φk is defined as:

StdErr(φk) = Ö(1/N)

Here N is the number of observations in the series.