Workspace Node: t-Test, Single Sample - Results - Advanced Tab

In the t-Test, Single Sample node dialog box, under the Results heading, select the Advanced tab to access the following options.

Element Name Description
Summary: T-tests Select this check box to compute the t-tests for single means and display the results in a spreadsheet. The detail and formatting of the results depends on the selections made on the Options tab.
Reference values When more than one variable has been selected, use the options in the Reference values group box to specify whether to test all variables against the same hypothesized mean, or to test each variable against a different (user-specified) mean.
Test all means against Select this option button and specify the reference value in the corresponding edit field to test each variable against the same reference value (or hypothesized mean). Note that this option performs a separate test for each variable. To test the hypothesis that the means for all variables are equal, use ANOVA/MANOVA.
Test means against different user-defined constants Select this option button to specify different reference values for each t-test (or variable). Note that you will need to click the Specify button to do this (see below).
Specify Click the Specify button to display the Select reference values dialog box, in which you specify a separate reference value for each selected variable. Note that the Test means against different user-defined constants option button must be selected for this button to be available.
Histograms Select this check box to produce a cascade of histograms (one for each selected Variable), summarizing the distribution of the respective variable.
Box & whisker plot Select this check box to produce a box and whisker plot for the selected variables; one box plot for each variable will be produced. Box and whisker plots summarize the distribution of the dependent variable. Specifically each variable will be represented by one box and whisker "component" which is made up of three "parts":
  1. A central line to indicate central tendency or location;
  2. A box to indicate variability around this central tendency;
  3. Whiskers around the box to indicate the range of the variable.
Probability plots Probability plots are used to determine whether a variable can be fit with the normal distribution. Three types of probability plots can be selected in this group box:
Normal Select this check box to produce a cascade of normal probability plots for the selected variables.
Half-normal Select this check box to produce a cascade of half-normal probability plots for the selected variables.
Detrended Select this check box to produce a cascade of detrended normal probability plots for the selected variables.
p-value for highlighting The default p-value for highlighting is .05. You can adjust this p-value by entering a new value in the edit box or using the microscrolls. For more details on p-value, see Elementary Concepts.

Options / C / W. See Common Options.

OK Click the OK button to accept all the specifications made in the dialog box and to close it. The analysis results are placed in the Reporting Documents after running (updating) the project.