Customizing STATISTICA - Application Frame Menus

Application frame menus are the menu bars that are available when a particular STATISTICA document type is being edited. Each STATISTICA document type has its own set of commands that are available while that object is being edited. For example, when a macro is being edited, the Debug and Run menus are available because they contain macro specific commands. Application frame menus are fully customizable; see Customize Menus and Menu Appearance for further details.

There are six main application frame menus, one for each type of STATISTICA document (graph, macro, report, spreadsheet, and workbook) and one that is available when no STATISTICA documents are open. The remaining fourteen application frame menus are combinations of these. For example, when a report is edited within a workbook, a combination of the report menu bar and workbook menu bar is available in the menu bar. The first document listed in the name of the application frame menu is the main document, and the second document listed is the object being edited within the main document (i.e., the menu bar is available when a report is edited within a workbook).

A complete list of application frame menus follows. For information on a specific menu bar (or an explanation of when it is available), click on the menu name below.

Graph Report.Graph Workbook
Graph.Macro Report.Macro Workbook.Graph
Graph.Report Report.Spreadsheet Workbook.Macro
Graph.Spreadsheet Spreadsheet Workbook.Report
Macro Spreadsheet.Graph Workbook.Spreadsheet
Non-document Spreadsheet.Macro Graph Data Editor
Report Spreadsheet.Report