Options - Analyses/Graphs: Output Manager

In the Options dialog box, select the Output Manager tab (below Analyses/Graphs) to access options to customize the output management of Statistica. The selections that you make here are used as the default operating conditions whenever you open Statistica.
Option Description
Place all results (Spreadsheets, Graphs) in Use the options in this group box to specify where analysis spreadsheets and graphs are placed upon clicking the OK (or Run) button in an analysis or graph specification dialog box.
Individual windows Specifies that each result is displayed in an individual window. Note that you can select either the Individual windows or the Workbook option button; you cannot select both of them. You can, however, send results to a report and Word document while using the Individual windows option.
Queue Length Enter a number in this box or use the corresponding microscrolls to specify the number of result windows that you want to process within a single batch. If an analysis generates more windows than what you have specified in the queue, Statistica displays a prompt with options to process the rest of the output in another batch or to quit. When Individual windows is selected, results spreadsheets and graphs are automatically managed in separate queues on a "first in-first out" basis. You can change the depth of each queue here. Note that this box is only available when Individual windows is selected.
Workbook Sends all results to a workbook. You can select either the Individual windows or the Workbook option button; you cannot select both of them. You can, however, send results to a report and Word document while using the Workbook option. Note that the Workbook option button must be selected for the next six options to be available.
Workbook containing the datafile Select this option button to send all results to the same workbook that contains the data file. Note that if you select this option and the data file is not included in a workbook, a new workbook is created for the results.

If the Place results in Workbook automatically check box is also selected (the default setting), results automatically go to the workbook containing the data file when you produce them. If the Place results in Workbook automatically check box is cleared, the results go into individual windows. Each window, however, is tagged so that if you click the button in classic menus or click Add to Workbook on the Home tab in the Output group on ribbon bar, the tagged window automatically goes to the correct workbook containing the data file and is added under the appropriate workbook folder.

Multiple Workbooks (one for each Analysis/graph) Includes the results from an analysis in a separate workbook for each analysis and graph.
Single Workbook (common for all Analyses/graphs) Includes all results in one workbook together regardless of the analysis or graph being created.
Existing Workbook Sends all results to an existing workbook specified in the corresponding field. If a workbook has not previously been specified using the Browse button, the standard Open dialog box is displayed when you select this option.
Browse Displays the standard Open dialog box, in which you can locate and specify an existing workbook.
Place results in Workbook automatically You can select this check box to include all results in a workbook automatically. If this check box is cleared, output goes to individual windows while being associated with the workbook specified by the above workbook option. When you click the Add to Workbook button, the output spreadsheet/graph is inserted into the workbook that it is associated with.
New results go to top You can select this check box to place each new result as the first child of each folder in the workbook. Note that, by default, this option is not selected, and new result objects are added at the bottom.
Report Output You can use this drop-down list to select the type of report to use when sending analysis and graph results to a report. The remaining options pertain to the use and display of the output report window. They determine what type of report is used and what amount of information is included in it. Note that this check box must be selected for the remaining options to be available.
Off Does not send results to a report window.
Send to Multiple Reports (one for each Analysis/Graph) Includes the results from an analysis or graph in a separate report for each analysis/graph.
Single Report (common for all Analyses/Graphs) Includes all results in one report together regardless of the analysis and/or graph being produced.
[Select File] Sends all results to an existing report specified in the corresponding field. If a report has not previously been specified using the Browse button, the standard Open dialog box is displayed when you select this option.
Browse Displays the standard Open dialog box, in which you can locate and specify an existing report.
Microsoft Word Output You can use this drop-down list to select the number of Word documents to use when sending analysis and graph results to a word document.
Off Does not want to send results to a Word document.
Multiple Word documents (one for each analysis/graph) Includes the results from an analysis or graph in a separate Word document for each analysis or graph.
Common Word document (one shared for all analyses/graphs) Includes all results in one Word document together.
[Select File] Sends all results to an existing Word document. If a Word document has not previously been specified using the Browse button, the standard Open dialog box is displayed when you select [Select File]. All results are sent to this file.
Browse Displays the standard Open dialog box, in which you can locate and specify an existing Word document.
Send Spreadsheets to Word as objects You can select this check box to embed spreadsheets as objects when they are sent to Word documents. Embedded objects are active, customizable, and in-place editable, meaning that when you double-click an embedded spreadsheet, the Statistica spreadsheet menus and toolbars are merged with the Word toolbars and menus enabling you to edit the spreadsheet as if it were open in Statistica. When this check box is cleared, spreadsheets are included in the document as a Word table.
Supplementary detail Use the options in this drop-down list to specify the amount of supplementary information to be included in the report.
None When this option is selected, no supplementary information is included in the report.
Brief This output style includes only the selected spreadsheets and graphs (that is, no information about the variables, case weights, or case selection conditions specified for the analyses is output).
Medium This output style includes the selected spreadsheets and graphs as well as the current data file name, information on case selection conditions and case weights (if any were specified), a list of all variables selected for each analysis, and the missing data values for each variable.
Long Select this output style (which consumes more space) to include all information from the Medium format and, additionally, the long variable labels (example, formulas), reserving one line of output (or more) for each variable.
Comprehensive Select this output style to provide the most comprehensive information on each variable selected for analysis. In addition to all information included in the Long report format, it also includes a complete list of all of the text labels for each selected variable.
Default Font Specifies a Font and type size in these boxes to use for the supplementary information.
Report Locking (GxP Reports) You can use the options in this group box to meet traceability requirements for GCP (Good Clinical Practices), GLP (Good Laboratory Practices), GAMP (Good Automated Manufacturing Practices), and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices).
Locked You can select this check box to ensure that documents cannot be removed from the report. When this check box is selected, commands to Cut, Paste, Clear, Rename, and view Properties are dimmed on the report shortcut menu. The Extract - Original command and all Insert commands are also unavailable.
Creation Stamp For locked reports, a creation stamp can be included at the top of the file. You can accept the default format or enter your own. The following codes can be used in this field: &[Date], &[Time], &[User], and &[Computer]. Any text you enter is displayed as is.
Time Stamp For locked reports, you can include a time stamp above each object as it is added to the report. You can accept the default format or enter your own. The following codes can be used in this field: &[Date], &[Time], &[User], and &[Computer].
Create printer resolution Clipboard/Report/Metafile images _ DPI You can select this check box to create printer resolution metafile images, then enter the DPI to use when printing metafile representations of graphs. The DPI determines the line thickness used for rendering the main components of the graphs. Metafile representations are created for the Clipboard when Statistica Graphs are pasted as metafiles (and not as Statistica active objects) to other applications, such as MS Word. They are also used when Statistica Reports are printed or exported as RTF documents, and when you save Statistica Graphs in the Metafile (.wmf) format in order to edit them as vector images in other programs.

In most typical applications, leave this option selected (that is, set at low resolution, the default setting) in order to create directly printable representations of Statistica Graphs in other programs. Note that, depending on the resolution of your display, these images may not look as clean on the screen as when this option is cleared (that is, when high resolution metafiles are generated). In the latter case, however, the metafiles are generated using high resolution rendering that, on most high-quality printing devices, create output with too thin lines (example, with a single device pixel lines on a 1200 DPI printer).

Note: This option does not affect the quality of graphs saved or printed as Statistica Graphs files or objects, where the precise translation of the requested line thickness into printed or displayable resolution is not limited by compatibility concerns resulting from using the Metafile (.wmf) representation.