Residual Analysis - Save Tab

Multiple Regression - Computational Approach

Select the Save tab of the Residual Analysis dialog to access options to display the predicted and residual values in a spreadsheet. Note that when Pairwise deletion is selected in the MD deletion group box in the Startup Panel, the program will substitute any missing values with the respective means in the computations for predicted and residual values (and related statistics).

Save residuals & predicted. Click the Save residuals & predicted button to display a standard variable selection dialog, which is used to select variable(s) to be displayed together with the predicted and residual values. After you select the variable(s), a spreadsheet containing the specified variable(s) along with numerous residual and predicted values/statistics will be displayed in an individual window (regardless of the settings in the Options - Output Manager tab or the Analysis/Graph Output Manager dialog). You can, however, add the spreadsheet to a workbook or report using the or buttons, respectively. Note that in order to save the spreadsheet, you must select the spreadsheet and select either Save or Save As from the File menu. This is useful if you want to use the predicted and-/or residual scores for further analyses with other STATISTICA analyses. For a detailed description of the various residual and predicted statistics that are included in the spreadsheet see Residuals and Predicted Values.

Note: this option is very useful if you have truly "huge" files. In this case, it is recommended that you first save the residuals, and then use subsampling (by selecting Subset from the Data menu) before you begin your residual analysis.