Workspace Node: Descriptive Statistics - Results - Quick Tab

In the Descriptive Statistics node dialog box, under the Results heading, select the Quick tab to access the following options. Select the check boxes for the statistics and/or graphs to be created and placed in the Reporting Documents after running (updating) the project.

Summary: Statistics. Select this check box to produce a spreadsheet with the descriptive statistics for all of the previously selected variables (via the Variables button on the Specifications - Quick tab).

Graphs 1. Select this check box to create a compound graph for each selected variable consisting of a histogram, normal probability plot, box plot, and descriptive statistics. This is a quick way to visually see the distribution of the data.

Graphs 2. Select this check box to create a compound graph for each selected variable consisting of a histogram, horizontal box plot, and descriptive statistics. This compound graph contains more descriptive statistics such as variance, skewness, and 95% prediction for observation.

Frequency tables. Select this check box to produce a cascade of spreadsheets with the frequency distributions for the selected variables (one spreadsheet per variable). The manner in which the selected variables will be categorized depends on the selections made in the Categorization group box (see the Normality tab). Note that an extensive selection of categorization methods and frequency table statistics are available from the Frequency Tables node.

Histograms. Select this check box to create a cascade of histograms analogous to the Frequency tables. If Normal expected frequencies (see the Normality tab) is selected, the histograms will also display the normal curve, superimposed over the observed frequencies.

Box & whisker plot for all variables. Select this check box to create a box and whisker plot for the selected variables. The box and whisker plot will summarize each variable by three components:

  1. A central circle to indicate the mean;
  2. A box to indicate the mean plus/minus the standard deviation.
  3. Whiskers around the box to indicate the mean plus/minus 1.96*standard deviation (hence, if your data follows the normal distribution, 95% of your data should fall within the whiskers).

Graphical comparative summary display. Select this check box to display up to six variables on one graph, which is a quick way to create a summary graphical document that enables easy comparison between variables. A histogram, box plot, and descriptive statistics are produced per variable. The histogram and box plot use the same scale.

Options / C / W. See Common Options.

OK. Click the OK button to accept all the specifications made in the dialog box and to close it. The analysis results will be placed in the Reporting Documents node after running (updating) the project.