How can I get on-line help?

The Statistica Visual Basic language contains ("understands") all standard Visual Basic language declaration, features, and functions, as well as more than 11,000 functions, declarations, statements, etc. that provide access to the Statistica functionality. To read more about a particular Visual Basic (non-Statistica specific) statement such as Dim, For...Next, etc., highlight the respective statement and press F1.

To learn how to access the Statistica specific functions and procedures, study the Statistica object model; see also, What is meant by the term "object model?". The various features of graphs, spreadsheets, and reports are logically organized into hierarchies of objects. The objects representing the standard analyses (and graphs) are organized according to the "flow" of dialogs, as if you were performing an interactive analysis. This is best illustrated if you record an analysis in a Statistica Visual Basic macro program; see also How can I record my analysis in a Statistica Visual Basic program?. Every dialog is a separate object, and all the options available on the respective dialogs are properties. In practically all cases, after you record a macro, you will be able to match the various properties that were recorded (for the different dialogs) with the detailed descriptions of the respective options in the context of the dialog help (see also What are the major "components" in a typical Statistica Visual Basic macro program?).