Spreadsheet Formulas - Numeric Functions

Statistica provides a predefined broad selection of numeric and logical functions that can be used in spreadsheet formulas like all other functions.

Below is a list of numeric and logical spreadsheet functions (parameters are given in parentheses).

Floor(number) Returns the largest integer less than or equal to its argument. For example:

Floor(2.7) results in 2, but Floor(-0.5) results in 1

Ceiling(number) Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to its argument. For example:

Ceiling(2.3) results in 3

Ceiling(-2.3) results in -2

Round(number, dec) Rounds the first argument to the number of decimal places given by the second argument. For example:

Round(3.554, 2) rounds to 3.55

Round(3.555, 2) rounds to 3.56

Round(4.5, 0) rounds to 5*

FACT(number) Truncates its numeric argument to an integer and returns the factorial of this integer.
COMBIN(n, k) Returns the number of combinations of n things taken k at a time, n!/k!(n - k)!
PERMUT(n, k) Returns the number of permutations of n items taken k at a time, n!/(n - k)!
CHOOSE(i, V1, V2, …, Vn) Returns the ith value, Vi. This function accepts arguments as numeric or text.
MATCH(value, V1, R1, V2, R2, …, Vn, Rn [, Rdefault]) If value = Vi, returns Ri, or returns Rdefault (if specified). Otherwise, returns missing data.
IN(val, list-val1, [list-val2, list-val3, …]) Returns a non-zero value (true) if the first argument is equal to any of the remaining arguments. All arguments may be constants, variable references, or expressions and works with text or numbers.

*Round(4.5, 0) in a Statistica spreadsheet or in Excel yields 5 (Arithmetic rounding); in Statistica Visual Basic or Visual Basic, this formula yields 4 (Banker's rounding, that is, rounds .5 either up or down, whichever results in an even number).

See also: Distributions and their Functions, Spreadsheet Formulas - Overview, Spreadsheet Formulas - Syntax Summary, Spreadsheet Formulas - Examples, Spreadsheet Formulas - Syntax Operators, Spreadsheet Formulas - Distributions and their Functions.