Workspace Node: Correlation Matrices - Results - Options Tab

In the Correlation Matrices node dialog box, under the Results heading, select the Options tab to access options that affect the display of correlations as well as the calculations.

Element Name Description
Display format for correlation matrices These options affect the display format of both correlation matrices and partial correlation matrices.
Display simple matrix (highlight p's) When this option button is selected, a matrix of correlation coefficients will be produced with the significant correlations highlighted in the spreadsheet. Use the p-value for highlighting option to change the default p (alpha) value (default p = .05).
Display r, p-values, and N's When this option button is selected, an augmented summary correlation matrix will be produced; that is, each cell in the matrix will not only contain the respective correlation coefficient but also the p-value, r and valid N (if the Casewise deletion of missing data option button on the Specifications - Quick tab is not selected). Again, significant correlations (cells in the matrix) will be highlighted in the spreadsheet, and you can use the p-value for highlighting option to change the default p (alpha) value.
Display detailed table of results When this option button is selected, a detailed table of results will be produced (not in matrix format). This table will report not only the correlation coefficients but also the pairwise means, pairwise standard deviations, regression weights, intercepts, and other regression statistics.
Display long variable names Select this check box to display the long variable names (if any, see Variable Specs Editor) along with the short names in the first column of the results spreadsheets. If no long variable names have been specified for any of the selected variables, the setting of this check box will have no effect.
Extended precision calculations Select this check box to use extended precision calculations in your descriptive statistics. Statistica employs proprietary extended precision algorithms in order to minimize round-off error in the computations. This option should be selected if the variables in the analysis show extremely small relative variances (variance divided by the mean), for example, if all values for a variable range between 10000.000001 and 10000.000002 (note that there is a difference between small variance and small relative variance; e.g., the relative variance of values in the range of .0000000000000001 to .0000000000000002 is not small). For extremely large data files with many thousands of cases, the computations may be somewhat slower when this check box is set.
p-value for highlighting The default p-value for highlighting in correlation matrices is .05. You can adjust this p-value by entering a new value in the edit box or using the microscroll buttons. For more details on p-value, see Elementary Concepts.
Include means and std. devs. in square matrices Select this check box to include the means and standard deviations of all variables in the results spreadsheets. When this check box is selected, the mean and standard deviation for each variable will be calculated and appended to the end of the correlations spreadsheet. Additionally, correlations will be reported with a greater degree of accuracy (i.e., 9-digit precision versus 2-digit precision when means and standard deviations are not reported). Note that this option is only applicable for square (or one variable list) matrices. You can also control the display format for a single variable using options in the variable specification dialog box.

Options / C / W. See Common Options.

OK Click the OK button to accept all the specifications made in the dialog box and to close it. The analysis results will be placed in the Reporting Documents node after running (updating) the project.