Interactive Drill-Down Explorer Startup Panel - Options Tab

Select the Options tab of the Drill-Down Startup Panel to access the options described here.

Element Name Description
Create stand-alone results spreadsheets and graphs (for brushing); these documents will be updated in-place after each drill-down and drill-up operation Select this check box to enable auto-updating of all results spreadsheets and graphs after each drill-down and drill-up operation. Note that this option is "linked" to the Auto-update all results option on the Startup Panel, and both options have the same effect (i.e., if you select one option, the other will automatically be selected as well). When these options are selected, the results documents will automatically be created in stand-alone windows that you can position on the screen according to your preferences. Then, every time you perform a drill-down or drill-up operation, all documents will automatically be refreshed (re-computed) to reflect the most current drill-down "state" (i.e., only selected cases or observations). This option is very useful for reviewing seemingly "animated" displays and graphs that will change instantly as different drill-down/up conditions are applied. See also, Auto-Updating Graphs and Summary Statistics after Each Drill-Down for an example.
Count missing data of drill-down variables If you select this check box, data with missing cases will be recognized as a valid category and will be included in the drill-down analysis. This may be useful in circumstances in which the missing cases might still have some value. For example, in a customer survey you may still want to include those customers who didn't provide a response to a set of questions.

Options for Box-Whisker plots; plot

Use the check boxes in this group box to select which type of box-whisker plot to produce. If more than one check box is selected (e.g., Median/Quartiles/Range and Mean/SD/1.96*SD) then more than one plot will be produced.