Boosted Trees Results - Prediction Tab
Select the Prediction tab of the Boosted Trees Results dialog box to access options for reviewing plots and spreadsheets of observed and predicted values for each observation. Many of the options available here pertaining to predicted and residual values are only applicable to, and hence only available for, regression-type problems (for continuous dependent variables; see also the description of the Type of analysis option on the Boosted Trees Startup Panel - Quick tab).
- Sample
- Select an option button in the Sample group box to specify for which type of sample to compute the predicted and residual statistics.
- Analysis
- Only those observations that were used to compute the current results (i.e., build the current set of trees) will be displayed.
- Prediction
- All cases that have valid data for the predictor variables, but missing data for the dependent variable will be displayed.
- Test set
- All observations that were not used to compute the current results, but have valid data for all predictor and dependent variables will be displayed.
- All samples
- Display and plot predicted and residual values for all observations.
- Predicted values
- Click the Predicted values button to display a spreadsheet showing the observed and predicted values for the current solution. If the response variable is categorical, the results will also indicate the observed classifications, predicted classifications, and posterior prediction probabilities for each response category. If the response variable is continuous, the spreadsheet will contain the predicted and residual values for each observation. Note that plots of predicted and residual values only apply to (are available for) analyses involving a continuous dependent variable (see the Type of analysis option on the Boosted Trees Startup Panel - Quick tab).
- Save predicted values
- Click this button to display a standard variable selection dialog, which is used to select variable(s) to be displayed together with the predicted values in a data file for further analysis. After you select the variable(s), a spreadsheet containing the specified variable(s) along with the predicted values will be displayed in an individual window (regardless of the settings on the Options dialog box - Output Manager tab or the Analysis/Graph Output Manager dialog box). You can, however, add the spreadsheet to a workbook or report using the
buttons, respectively. Note that in order to save the spreadsheet, you must select the spreadsheet and select Save or Save As from the File menu. This is useful if you want to use the residual values for further analyses with other STATISTICA analyses.
- Predicted vs. residuals.
- Click the Predicted vs. residuals button to produce a scatterplot of the predicted values and the corresponding residuals for the dependent variable. Note that this plot is only available for regression-type analyses (with a continuous dependent variable; see the Type of analysis option on the Boosted Trees Startup Panel - Quick tab).
- Observed vs. predicted.
- Click the Observed vs. predicted button to produce a scatterplot of the observed and the predicted values. This plot is only available for regression-type analyses (with a continuous dependent variable).
- Observed vs. residuals.
- Click the Observed vs. residuals button to produce a scatterplot of the observed values and the corresponding residuals for the continuous dependent variable; this plot is only available for regression-type analyses (with a continuous dependent variable).
- Probability plot of residuals
- Click the Probability plot of residuals button to produce a normal probability plot of residuals for the continuous dependent variable. This plot is only available for regression-type analyses (with a continuous dependent variable).
- Histogram of Residuals
- Click the Histogram of residuals button to produce a histogram of residuals. This plot is only available for regression-type analyses (with a continuous dependent variable).
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