Multiple Response Tables - Options Tab

Select the Options tab of the Multiple Response Tables dialog box to access options to affect the display of multiple response tables. Note that all values that are not valid codes (multiple responses) or are not equal to the count value (multiple dichotomies) will be ignored (counted as missing data).

Factor labels
Two options are available for factor labels in multiple response tables.

Take labels from first variable in each list. Select the Take labels from first variable in each list option button if you want Statistica to use the labels in the first variable of each list.

User defined factor labels. Use the User defined factor labels option button to enter user specified short and long labels for the factors. When you select this option, the Long Factor Labels for Multiple Response Sets dialog box will be displayed.

Specify factor label. Click the Specify factor label button to display the Long Factor Labels for Multiple Response Sets dialog box.

Exclude missing data listwise within each multiple dichotomy set
Select this check box to "declare" a case as missing ("no response") if it has missing data for any of the actual variables comprising the respective multiple dichotomy factor.
Exclude missing data listwise within each multiple response set
Select this check box to "declare" a case as missing ("no response") if it has missing data for any of the actual variables comprising the respective multiple response factor.
Include missing data as an additional category for each factor
Select this check box to count (tabulate) missing data as an additional category (level) for each factor. By default, this check box is not selected, and missing data are ignored in the analysis.