Options - Documents: Workbooks

In the Options dialog box, select the Workbooks tab (located under Documents) to access options to customize the functionality of Statistica Workbooks.

The specifications made on this tab are used as the default whenever you use a workbook.
Option Description
Display proportions Use the options in this group box to specify the proportions of the workbook window.
Tree panel width In this box, enter the preferred width of the tree panel view, or adjust the number using the accompanying microscrolls.
Viewer panel width In this box, enter the preferred width of the viewer panel, or adjust the number using the accompanying microscrolls.
Reset Returns the Tree panel width and Viewer panel width to the default settings (20% width and 133% height).
Prompt on item delete You can select this check box to display a dialog box to verify the action every time you cut or delete an item from a workbook.
Maximum characters on tabs Type a number in this box, or adjust the number using the accompanying microscrolls, to specify the maximum number of characters to be displayed on the tabs.
Tab control Tabs can be displayed describing each document in the workbook. Use the options in this group box to specify if you want tabs displayed and, if so, where to display them.
Orientation From this drop-down list, select Top, Bottom, Left, or Right to specify where to display the workbook tabs.
Visible You can select this check box to display the workbook tabs. Clear the check box to hide the workbook tabs.
Add to Workbook performs Use the options in this group box to specify whether you prefer documents to be moved or copied to the workbook when you click the Add to Workbook button.
Move When this option button is selected, click the Add to Workbook button to move a document in a stand-alone window to the workbook. The stand-alone window is deleted.
Copy When this option button is selected, click the Add to Workbook button to copy a document in a stand-alone window to the workbook. The document also remains in the stand-alone window.
Multi-Item Display Use the options in this group box to specify how to display all of the documents of a given folder simultaneously when you select it in a workbook.

Only documents that are directly inside of the folder are displayed when you click on it (the content of any subfolders are not displayed).

With Multi-item display, you can view multiple documents at once, making visual presentation of numerous documents a simple task. Additionally, you can also edit documents in the multi-item display in place as ActiveX documents.

Enable Select this check box to enable multi-item display. If this check box is cleared, the generic workbook image is displayed when you select a workbook folder.
Column Width Enter the column width of the multi-item display area.
Row Height Enter the row height of the multi-item display area.
Columns Enter the number of vertical columns to be used in the multi-item display area. For example, if you set this field to 2 and click on a folder that contains 4 items, the multi-item display appears as a 2x2 grid. The maximum number of columns for display is 16.
Advanced structured storage You can select this check box to store a much larger amount of embedded documents in your workbooks.
Note: This option does not work on Windows 95/98/ME.
Compress Graphs and Reports You can select this check box to create new workbooks with compression enabled. Reports and graphs are compressed in order to make the workbook smaller in size and speed the process of copying workbook files on a network.
Extract copy of document does not extract children You can select this check box to extract only a copy of the selected document. When this check box is cleared, any child nodes under the selected document are also extracted as copies.
Export HTML images as Select the image format preferred when exporting a workbook to HTML. You can select to export the images in .png or .jpeg format.