Crosstabulation Tables

Creates summary crosstabulation tables. If a single list of categorical dependent variables is specified, the program will compute all k-way tables as requested by you. If categorical predictors and categorical dependent variables are selected, then two-way tables for these two lists will automatically be constructed.


Element Name Description
Detail of computed results reported Detail of results computed; if Standard detail is selected then categorized histograms and interaction plot(s)are computed; Comprehensive detail will compute various tests for the two-way tables; Select all results to include 3D histograms in the reported results.
Maximum k for k-way table This parameter will be used when you construct crosstabulation tables for a single list of categorical dependent variables. You can either construct all 2-way tables, 3-way tables, .., to 6-way tables. However, be careful when requesting higher-order tables in this case (with a single list of categorical dependent variables), since a large number of tables may be produced.
Creates expected frequencies Select this option to compute the expected cell frequencies contingent upon complete independence of all factors in the table for all Summary tables and Detailed two-way tables. Thus, for Detailed two-way tables, those expected frequencies are computed based on the marginal frequencies for the two factors in the current table; for Summary tables with more than two variables (factors), the expected frequencies are based on the marginal frequencies of all factors in the table (i.e., no interactions between factors are assumed). Expected frequencies for tables with more than two factors are computed via iterative proportional fitting.
Creates residual frequencies Creates the residual frequencies (observed minus expected frequencies; see above) for all Summary tables and Detailed two-way tables.
Percentages of total counts Creates and reports percentages relative to the total number of cases in the current table for each cell in the Summary tables, Detailed two-way tables, and Stub-and-banner tables.
Percentages of row counts Creates and reports percentages relative to the total number of cases in the respective row of the current table for each cell in the Summary tables, Detailed two-way tables, and Stub-and-banner tables.
Percentages of column counts Creates and reports percentages relative to the total number of cases in the respective column of the current table for each cell in the Summary tables, Detailed two-way tables, and Stub-and-banner tables.
Value for highlight counts Highlights all counts (raw frequencies) in the table that are greater than the value entered into this edit field.