Generalized Linear Model (GLM) Hypothesis Testing - Testing the Whole Model
Given the Model SS and the Error SS, one can perform a test that all the regression coefficients for the X variables (b1 through bk) are zero. This test is equivalent to a comparison of the fit of the regression surface defined by the predicted values (computed from the whole model regression equation) to the fit of the regression surface defined solely by the dependent variable mean (computed from the reduced regression equation containing only the intercept). Assuming that X'X is full-rank, the whole model hypothesis mean square ( MSH)
MSH = (Model SS) / k
is an estimate of the variance of the predicted values. The error mean square ( MSE)
s2 = MSE = (Error SS) / (n - k - 1)
is an unbiased estimate of the residual or error variance. The test statistic is
where F has (k, n - k - 1) degrees of freedom.
If X'X is not full rank, r + 1 is substituted for k, where r is the rank or the number of non-redundant columns of X'X.
Whole Model Tests
Error Terms for Tests
Testing Hypotheses for Repeated Measures and Dependent Variables