Optimal Binning Startup Panel - Quick Tab

Select the Quick tab of the Optimal Binning Startup Panel to access the options described here. Select the dependent or outcome variable of interest, the categorical variables you want to recode (aggregate), and the target variables where you want to place the recoded values (use option Add variables to "make room" if necessary). Then specify whether the dependent or outcome variable is categorical or continuous in nature (i.e., whether the current analysis is a classification or regression analysis), and click Summary to begin the computations.

Element Name Description
Variables Click this button to display standard three-variable lists selection dialog box. Specify here the dependent or outcome variable of interest, the categorical or class predictor variables you want to recode (for which you want to aggregate the codes or classes), and the target variables where you want to place the recoded values (aggregated codes). Note that the number of variables selected into the last two lists must match so that for each categorical predictor the recoded values are placed into one of the selected target variables. See also the documentation for the Optimal Binning Startup Panel for details regarding the naming conventions used for the variable and codes in the newly recoded variables.
Analysis type In this group box, specify whether the dependent variable is categorical in nature or continuous in nature. As described in the Introductory Overview, the computational "mechanism" for the Combining Groups module is based on the CHAID algorithm, which works slightly different for classification and regression problems. For additional details regarding the CHAID algorithm, refer to General CHAID Models (GCHAID) and Interactive Trees (C&RT, CHAID).
Continuous dependent (Regression) Select this option button if the dependent variable is continuous in nature (if the analysis is a regression problem).
Categorical dependent (Classification) Select this option button if the dependent variable is categorical in nature (if the analysis is a classification problem).
Add variables Use the options in this group box to add the specified number of variables to the input file.
Number of variables to add In this field, specify the number of variables to add. If variables do not exist in the current input file in which to place the recoded (aggregated) values for the categorical predictors, you may want to create them (as many as the number of categorical predictors you selected) to "make room."
Add variables to input spreadsheet Click this button to add the specified number of variables to the input file.