Searching for Designs

Click the OK button on the Searching for and Analyzing Designs with Two-Level Factors dialog to start the search for a design and display the Searching for Designs dialog, which displays information allowing you to monitor the search. The number of designs that have been processed and the elapsed time of the search in seconds are displayed as the search progresses. The status of the search, i.e., whether or not a design has been found, is also displayed.

If a valid design has been found, you can click the OK button to terminate the search and review the design.
If a valid design has not been found and the search is taking longer than you would like, you can click the Cancel button to terminate the search and return to the Searching for and Analyzing Designs with Two-Level Factors dialog to respecify the search.

For more detailed information on search criteria and search options, see 2(k-p) Maximally Unconfounded and Minimum Aberration Designs.