Design & Analysis of Latin Square Experiments - Design Experiment Tab

Select the Design experiment tab in the Design & Analysis of Latin Square Experiments dialog box to design a Latin square, Greco-Latin square, or Hyper-Greco Latin square experiment.

Use the Design box to "toggle" between valid designs, given the number of valid Latin squares available for the respective number of levels. Remember (see the Introductory Overview) that a Greco-Latin square design is created by superimposing or combining two Latin square designs; Hyper-Greco Latin squares are created by combining three Latin square designs. The number of valid Latin squares is determined by the selections in this box and the No. of levels box. The following lists the number of valid Latin squares by numbers of levels:
No. of Levels No. of valid Latin squares   Program can generate
3 2 1 Greco-Latin square
4 3 2 Greco-Latin squares 1 Hyper-Greco Latin square
5 4  6 Greco-Latin squares 4 Hyper-Greco Latin squares
6 1 1 Latin square only
7 2 1 Greco-Latin square
8 2 1 Greco-Latin square
9 2 1 Greco-Latin square
Number of levels
Use the No. of levels box to specify the number of levels for the Latin square. This value must be between 3 and 9. Depending on the number of levels, different types of designs are available (i.e., Greco-Latin squares, Hyper-Greco Latin squares; see Designs).
Selection of specific design
Use the options in the Selection of specific design group box to choose either to let STATISTICA pick one of the available designs or to specify the design for yourself. For most numbers of levels, more than one valid Latin square design is available; for some numbers of levels, several Greco-Latin and Hyper-Greco Latin squares can be designed. The number of designs available for different numbers of levels is listed in the Available designs field.
by random
Select the by random option button to let STATISTICA pick one of the available designs for you. In most cases, this is the preferred method.
by user
Select the by user option button to choose the specific design yourself. When this option button is selected, a dialog displaying all valid Latin squares available for the respective numbers of levels will open. Select either one Latin square design, the two Latin squares that make up the Greco-Latin square design, or the three Latin squares that make up the Hyper-Greco Latin square. Note you can also open the appropriate dialog box by clicking the Select button.