Canonical Analysis

Click the Perform canonical analysis button on the Discriminant Function Analysis Results dialog box - Advanced tab to display the Canonical Analysis dialog box, which contains three tabs: Quick, Advanced, and Canonical scores. Use the options on these tabs to perform canonical analysis if at least three groups were specified for the analysis, and if there are at least two variables in the model. In that case, STATISTICA will perform a complete canonical analysis, and compute the discriminant functions.

Click the Summary button to produce a spreadsheet with a step-down test for canonical roots (and discriminant functions). The first row in that spreadsheet contains the test of significance for all roots combined. The second row contains the significance of the remaining roots, after removing the first root, and so on. Thus, this spreadsheet makes it possible for you to evaluate how many significant roots to interpret.
Click the Cancel button to close the Canonical Analysis dialog box and return to the Discriminant Function Analysis Results dialog box.
Click the Options button to display the Options menu.