Results - Parts Tab

Control Charts for Variables vs. Charts for Attributes

Select the Parts tab of the Results dialog box to access the options described here. Note that this tab is only available when creating Short Run charts.

Raw Chart (no part)
Select this option button to produce a raw chart with no part information.
Nominal Chart
Select this option button to produce a nominal or target short run chart. For nominal or target short run charts, the data within parts are transformed by subtracting the respective part means or a different constant value specified by clicking the Nominal/target button (see below).  
Standardized Chart
Select this option button to produce a standardized short run chart. For standardized short run charts, the data within parts are transformed by subtracting a constant value (e.g., by default the mean), and by dividing by another constant value (e.g., the respective part ranges, or standard deviation values). Note that for short run variable control charts, when the divisor constant (e.g., range) for a part is equal to zero, then the transformed values (from which the short run chart will be produced) will be set to zero.

Specifications for transforming values.

Click this button to display the Specify nominal/target values for parts dialog box, in which you can specify target values.
Sigma (R/S)
Click this button to display the Specify average ranges (or standard deviations) for parts dialog box, in which you can specify target values.
Descriptive stats/specs for the parts
Click this button to produce a spreadsheet with descriptive statistics for the current variable for each part. The statistics in the spreadsheet are the part means and relevant measures of variability, the number of samples and total N for each part, and the average n per sample for each part.