Statistica Visual Basic Development Environment
- Does the SVB environment provide tools for debugging?
Once a macro program has been specified, the Statistica Visual Basic environment provides powerful methods for testing and debugging the program. You can set individual breakpoints in the program where you want the program to stop temporarily to allow you to look at the values of variables at that point (you can set and clear breakpoints by pressing F9 or by clicking the Breakpoint toggle toolbar button). You can step through the program by pressing SHIFT+F8 or clicking the Step over toolbar button. - How can I get on-line help?
The Statistica Visual Basic language contains ("understands") all standard Visual Basic language declaration, features, and functions, as well as more than 11,000 functions, declarations, statements, etc. that provide access to the Statistica functionality. To read more about a particular Visual Basic (non-Statistica specific) statement such as Dim, For...Next, etc., highlight the respective statement and press F1. - What is the Function Browser?
- How are errors handled during the execution of an SVB program?
Statistica Visual Basic provides the same facilities for error handling as other general implementations of Visual Basic. Thus, detailed discussions on error handling can be found in the numerous general sources describing this programming language. - How are non-fatal errors (warnings) handled during the execution of an SVB program?
In many instances throughout interactive analyses, you may receive non-fatal error (warning) messages, for example, to inform you that some missing data were replaced by means, that some variables were dropped from the analyses, that some parameters were reset, etc. Usually, these warning will not require that the respective analyses be terminated, but the information provided in these warnings may be important for you to be aware of. - Does SVB include a "Dialog Painter"?
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