Choose Model

In Rules Builder, select Variable=Model option from the Edit > Insert submenu to display the Choose Model dialog box.

Element Name Description
Variable Enter a name for a variable. The variable is created in the input spreadsheet, if the Variable Type is Spreadsheet Variable. Because these variables are written back to the input spreadsheet, existing variable names cannot be used
Caution: Do not start variable names with a dollar sign ($).
For more information about variable names, see also the Rules Builder Overview
Model Specifies where to get an existing model from Statistica Enterprise
Browse Models You can browse and select an existing model from Statistica Enterprise
Variable Type Specify the type of variable that should be created by the rule. For more information about variable types, see also the Rules Builder Overview
Spreadsheet Variable Creates a new variable in the input spreadsheet
Temporary Variable Creates a variable to store an intermediate result. These variables are discarded and are not stored in the input spreadsheet
Version These options is enabled if Statistica Document Management software is installed and enabled
Latest Retrieves the last model checked in
Latest Approved Retrieves the last approved model
Specific Retrieves a specific version of the model

Desired Model Output

The model has the following output:

Element Name Description
Prediction Generates predicted values from the model. This is a numeric value for a regression model and a categorical level for a classification model
Residual Generates residual values from the model. This is the observed - predicted for a regression model. For a classification model, the residual is an indicator of whether the prediction was correct or incorrect
Prediction Probability for value Generates the predicted probability for a specific categorical level as specified in the drop-down list