Define Custom Design

Click the Customize Design button on the Cox Proportional Hazards Regression Startup Panel - Quick tab to display the Define Custom Design dialog box. Use the options in this dialog box to select the specific effects that are to be included in the model.

Element Name Element Type Description
Predictors The Predictors box contains the predictors selected for the current analysis. Select the variables you want to include in the design
Method Group box The Method group box contains the available options for including the selected variables as effects in the design.
  • Add: Adds the main effects for the chosen Predictors to the list of Effects
  • FULL CROSS: Creates the respective interaction term for all selected variables (for example, Gender*Group*Time).
    Note: This button is only available if two or more variables are selected.
  • FULL FACTORIAL: Create a full factorial design for the selected grouping variables (for example., Group Gender Time Group*Gender Group*Time Gender*Time Group*Gender*Time). Note that this button is only available if two or more grouping variables are selected
  • FACT. TO DEG: Creates a factorial design (up to the degree specified in the Design degree field) for the selected factors (for example., Group Gender Time Group*Gender Group*Time Gender*Time). Note that this button is only available if two or more grouping variables are selected
  • HEIRAR. NEST: Displays the Nesting for Between-Group Factors dialog box; in that dialog box, specify the nested structure of the design for the selected factors.
    Note: This button is only available if one or more factors are selected. Only the nested factor(s) should be selected in the Predictors field.
  • DESIGN DEGREE: Use the Design degree field in conjunction with the Fact. to deg. option
Effects Group box This group box shows the effects currently in the design. These effects can further be edited via the following options:
  • CROSS: Cross two effects currently selected in the Effects group box; (for example, if two effects A and B(C) are currently selected, then Cross will add the term A*B(C) to the effects in the design. If more or fewer than two effects are selected, this button is not available
  • NEST: Nest two effects currently selected in the Effects group box (for example, if two effects A and B are currently selected), then Nest will add the term B(A) (factor B is nested in factor A) to the effects in the model. If more or fewer than two effects are selected, this button is not available
  • REMOVE: Removes the selected effects from the Effects group box
  • CLEAR ALL: Removes or clears all effects from the Effects group box
Ok Button Accepts the changes made to the design and return to the Cox Proportional Hazards Regression Startup Panel
Cancel Button Returns to the Cox Proportional Hazards Regression Startup Panel without accepting any changes