Options - Import

In the Options dialog box, select the Import tab to access options to customize the facilities used to import Excel, Text, and HTML files into Statistica.
Option Description
Excel Excel files can contain many sheets. Use the options in this group box to determine where those sheets are placed when an Excel file is imported into Statistica.
Import all sheets to a Workbook Imports all the sheets into a workbook every time you import an Excel file into Statistica.
Import single sheet as Spreadsheet Imports only the selected sheet as a spreadsheet every time you import an Excel file into Statistica.
View as Excel Views the file in Statistica as an Excel file every time you import an Excel file.
Always prompt Specifies that Statistica prompts you with a method choice each time you import an Excel file.
RTF The Rich Text Format (.rtf) is a Microsoft standard method of encoding formatted text and graphics for easy transfer between applications.
Import as Report Imports .rtf files to a Statistica Report every time you import an .rtf file into Statistica.
Import as Microsoft Word Imports .rtf files as a Microsoft Word document every time you import an .rtf file into Statistica.
Always prompt Specifies that Statistica prompts you with a method choice each time you import an .rtf file.
Text Specifies the manner in which you want to import text (.txt) files.
Import as Spreadsheet Imports text files to a Statistica Spreadsheet every time you import a text file into Statistica.
Import as Report Imports text files to a Statistica Report every time you import a text file into Statistica.
Always prompt Specifies that Statistica prompts you with a method choice each time you import a text file.
HTML Specifies the manner in which you want to import an HTML file.
Import as Spreadsheet Imports HTML files to a Statistica Spreadsheet every time you import an HTML file into Statistica.
Import as Report Imports HTML files to a Statistica Report every time you import an HTML file into Statistica.
Always prompt Specifies that Statistica prompts you with a method choice each time you import an HTML file.
Statistica Query
Default maximum number of rows retrieved by Statistica Query Specifies here the maximum number of rows you want Statistica Query to import. If Statistica Query reaches this maximum, a message is displayed asking if you want to import more rows.
Default maximum size of text columns To restrict the amount of data from a database, enter a limit for text-based columns, for example, char or varchar.
Default maximum size of Ole columns To restrict the amount of data from a database, enter a limit for OLE columns,which could be image or varbinary (SQL Server) or long raw, blob (Oracle).
Fit spreadsheet When this check box is selected, the spreadsheet variable count and case count is expanded (or trimmed) to match the number of variables and cases returned by the query.