Statistics by Groups Results - Quick tab

Select the Quick tab in the Statistics by Groups Results dialog box to access options to quickly review the more commonly requested results from the breakdown procedure.

Summary: Table of statistics

Click this button to produce a summary table of descriptive statistics broken down by the grouping variables.

The statistics reported in the table depend on the selections in the Statistics group box on the Descriptives tab.

Detailed two-way tables

Click this button to produce a cascade of spreadsheets with two-way tables.

  • If two or less grouping variables are selected, only a single spreadsheet is produced.
  • If more than two grouping variables are selected, the tables are produced for the last two grouping variables, within the respective levels of the remaining (preceding) grouping variables.

Use the Reorder factors in table option on the Descriptives tab to change the order of grouping variables and therefore the order in which the two-way tables are produced.

The statistics reported in the spreadsheets depend on the selections in the Statistics group box on the Descriptives tab. The two-way tables do not only report summary statistics within each group, but also marginal summary statistics (statistics for each factor ignoring the other). User-specified marginal tables are available via the Marginal means option on the Descriptives tab.

Analysis of Variance

Click this button to display a spreadsheet with the results of univariate analyses of variance for each dependent variable.

If statistically significant, it can be concluded that the means across the groups are different in magnitude.

You can use the options on the Post-hoc tab to identify significant differences between individual groups (means). Use the General Linear Models (GLM) or ANOVA/MANOVA module to compute complete univariate and multivariate analysis of variance tables (see also Methods for Analysis of Variance).

Note: The one-way ANOVA available from this dialog box is particularly suited for quickly analyzing one-way univariate designs with many groups.

Interaction plots

Click this button to produce an interaction plot of means by groups.

Interaction plots are produced according to the following specifications, within the levels of any additional grouping factors.

More than one dependent variable was selected for the current analysis

In this case, when you click the Interaction plot button, the resulting Select the variables for interaction plot dialog box displays each of the previously selected dependent variables.

You can select only those variables that you want plotted, or click OK to accept the default selection (all variables in the list); each variable in the resulting interaction plots are represented by a different line color or pattern. Clicking OK in this dialog box displays the Arrangement of Factors dialog box (see below).

One dependent variable was selected for the current analysis

Since you have already selected the dependent variable to plot, when you click the Interaction plot button, the Arrangement of Factors dialog box is displayed (see below). In this interaction plot, the grouping variables are represented by different line colors and patterns.

Arrangement of factors dialog box

Once you select the variables (see above) to be plotted, the Arrangement of Factors dialog box is displayed, where you can assign two (if two or more dependent variables are selected) or three (if one dependent variable is selected) grouping variables to different aspects of the interaction plot (line pattern, lower x-axis, upper x-axis).

Categorized box & whisker plots

Click this button to produce a cascade of categorized box and whisker plots for the dependent variables, one plot per dependent variable.

A standard variable selection dialog box is displayed (if more than one dependent variable was selected via the Variables option). For each selected variable, Statistica produces a box and whisker plot, broken down (categorized) by the grouping variables (e.g., separately for males and females for each ethnic group).

See also:  Breakdown: Descriptive Statistics by Groups