Log-Linear Analysis Results-Quick Tab

Select the Quick tab of the Log-Linear Analysis Results dialog box to access the options described here.

Element Name Description
Summary: Goodness of fit Click the Summary: Goodness of fit button to produce a spreadsheet containing the Maximum Likelihood Chi-square value and the Pearson Chi-square value, along with their corresponding degrees of freedom and p-values. You can evaluate the statistical significance of the goodness-of-fit of a particular model via the Chi-square tests.
Fitted table

Click the Fitted table button to display the Specify how to Review the Table dialog box, in which you specify how to review the multi-way frequency table in the most flexible manner, slice by slice.

If there are more than two factors in the fitted table, you can view any two-way table within each of the levels of the remaining factors.

Marginal tables

Click the Marginal tables button to review the marginal tables, as specified by the current model, that were fit to the observed table.

These tables will be displayed one by one, and slice by slice if marginal tables involving more than two factors are displayed.

Note: The marginal tables will include the Delta constant, as specified on the Log-Linear Analysis Model Specification - Advanced tab. Therefore, when using Log-Linear as a crosstabulation program make sure that Delta is set to 0; otherwise you will not obtain accurate marginal counts.
Plot of observed vs. fitted

Click the Plot of observed vs. fitted button to display a scatterplot of the observed versus fitted (expected) frequencies.

This graph can be very useful for evaluating the overall fit of the model for different magnitudes of frequencies, and for detecting outliers.