Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARSplines) Results

The Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARSplines) Results dialog box is displayed after a MARSplines model has been estimated. This dialog box contains four tabs: Quick, Plots, Save, and Custom predictions. Use the options on these tabs to review the parameter estimates, summaries, descriptive statistics, predictions, residuals, graphs, and surfaces of regression variables as well as other results.

Element Name Description
Cancel Click the Cancel button to return to the Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARSplines) Startup Panel.
Options Click the Options button to display the Options menu.
By Group Click the By Group button to display the By Group specification dialog box.
Code generator If your program is licensed to include this feature, you can generate computer code to implement the current model for predicting new observations. When you click this button, a menu is displayed with following commands:
PMML Click this command to generate code in Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) which is an XML-based language for storing information about fully trained (parameterized) models, and for sharing those models with other applications. STATISTICA and STATISTICA Enterprise Server contain facilities to use this information to compute predicted values or classifications, i.e., to quickly and efficiently deploy models (typically in the context of data mining projects).
STATISTICA Visual Basic (SVB) Click this command to generate a STATISTICA Visual Basic program containing the code implementing the model. This code will be generated in a form compatible with the nodes of STATISTICA Data Miner; however, you can also simply copy/paste the relevant portion of this code to include it in your custom Visual Basic programs. The code will automatically be displayed in the STATISTICA Visual Basic program editor window.
C/C++ Click this command to generate code compatible with the C/C++ computer language. This option is useful if you want to include the information provided by the final model into custom (C/C++) programs. (See also, Using C/C++/C# Code for Deployment.)
C# Click this command to generate code as C#.
Java Click this command to generate code in Java script.
SAS Click this command to generate deployment code for the created model as SAS code (a .sas file). See also, Rules for SAS Variable Names and Example: SAS Deployment.
SQL stored procedure in C# Click this command to generate code as a C# class intended for use in a SQL Server user-defined function.
SQL User Defined Function in C# Click this command to generate code as a C# class intended for use as a SQL Server user-defined function.
TeraData Click this command to generate code as C Computer language function intended for use as a user-defined function in a TeraData querying environment.
Deployment to STATISTICA Enterprise Click this command to deploy the results as an Analysis Configuration in STATISTICA Enterprise. Note that appropriately formatted data must be available in a STATISTICA Enterprise Data Configuration before the results can be deployed to an Analysis Configuration.