Macro (SVB) Programs Example - Writing a Custom Statistica Application with User-Defined Dialog Boxes

This example illustrates how a custom Statistical procedure can be developed by combining the power and flexibility of Statistica's Statistical analysis routines with custom-defined dialog boxes and dialog box procedures.

' This program will use the Basic Statistics Breakdown options to 
' find the dependent variables in a list of dependent variables 
' that are significantly related to a set of categorical predictors; 
' the program also computes the overall R-Square values for those 
' variables. 
' The following statement makes all arrays by default 1-referenced; 
' thus, the declaration "Dim x(1 to 10) as Double" is the same 
' by default as "Dim x(10) as Double" Option Base 1 Public Msg As String 
' Total number of variables Public Nvars As Long 
' Number of dependent variables Public NSignificantDVs As Integer 
' Number of related DV's Dim RSquares () As Double 
' Dv, Rsquare, and p-value Dim Vars () As Integer Dim VarNames () As String Public AlphaValue As Double 
' p-value (significance) criterion 
Public ndep As Integer 
' Number of independent variables 
Public nindep As Long 
' Number of significantly related DV's 
Public DependentVariableList() As Long 
Public IndependentVariableList () As Long 
Dim ResWB As Workbook 
Dim folder As WorkbookItem 
Sub Main 
' Error handling: Detect when there is no input Spreadsheet
On Error GoTo NoInputSpreadsheet

' Number of variables in active (input) Spreadsheet
Nvars = ActiveDataSet.NumberOfVariables

' Install default erorr handling
On Error GoTo Finish

' Dimension variable lists, to be used for variable ' selection dialog
ReDim DependentVariableList(1 To Nvars) ReDim IndependentVariableList (1 To Nvars) As Long Dim i As Integer 

' Display dialog for variable selection, etc.
If Not InputDialog Then GoTo Finish

' Set up RSquares array, as a 2-dimensional array
ReDim RSquares (1 To ndep, 1 To 2) ReDim Vars (1 To ndep) As Integer ReDim VarNames (1 To ndep) As String

' Find significantly predicted DV's
If Not FindSignificantlyPredictedDVs Then
MsgBox "None of the DV's are related to predictors." GoTo Finish
End If 

' Make new workbook, for display of results
Set ResWB = Workbooks.New ResWB.Visible = True

' Display main results
If Not MakeSummarySpreadsheet Then GoTo Finish
If MsgBox ( _ "Do you want to perform detailed analyses for these DV's?", vbOkCancel, _ "Detailed Analyses?") = vbCancel Then GoTo Finish

'Compute detailed results, if requested
If Not ComputeDetailedStatistics Then GoTo Finish 
Exit Sub 


MsgBox "Open a data file (Spreadsheet) for this analysis", _ vbCritical

Exit Sub
End Sub ' This function displays and services the specifications dialog Function InputDialog As Boolean On Error GoTo Finish InputDialog=False

Begin Dialog UserDialog 390,147, _ "Search for significant DV's", .UI ' %GRID:10,7,1,1

PushButton 20,14,120,21,"Variables",
.VariableSelection Text 40,42,70,14,"Grouping:",
.Text1 Text 110,42,180,14,"none",
.Text2 Text 30,56,80,14,"Dependent:",
.Text3 Text 110,56,180,14,"none",
.Text4 Text 30,84,50,14,"Alpha:",
.Text6 TextBox 80,77,90,21,
.AlphaValue Text 20,112,360,28, _ "Find all DV's related to the predictors with p<alpha.", 

OKButton 310,14,70,21,.OkButton 
CancelButton 310,42,70,21,.CancelButton 
End Dialog

Dim dlg As UserDialog 

' Initialize the AlphaValue field dlg.AlphaValue=".05" TryAgain:
On Error GoTo Finish Dialog dlg On Error GoTo BadAlphaValue AlphaValue = CDbl(dlg.AlphaValue)

Exit Function


MsgBox "Bad alpha value; please specify a valid alpha value." 
GoTo TryAgain

End Function 
' Dialog function; services the dialog Private Function UI(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&) As Boolean

Dim ok As Boolean
Select Case Action% Case 1 
' Dialog box initialization Case 2 
' Value changing or button pressed

UI = True Select Case DlgItem
Case "CancelButton"
Case "OkButton"

If ndep<2 Or nindep<1 Then


End If UI=False 

' Variable selection dialog

Case "VariableSelection"



ret = SelectVariables2 (ActiveDataSet, _ "Variables for Analysis", _ 2, Nvars, 
DependentVariableList, ndep, _ "Dependent variables:", _ 1, 6, 
IndependentVariableList, nindep, _ "Independent (grouping) variables: ")

If ndep>0 Then
DlgText "Text4", "Selected"
DlgText "Text4", "none"
End If

If nindep>0 Then
DlgText "Text2", "Selected"
DlgText "Text2", "none"
End If

End Select

End Select

End Function 
' This function sets up the Spreadsheet with a user-defined 
' number of rows and columns 
Function SetSpreadsheetNumberOfRowsAndColumns( _ ii As Integer, _ jj As Integer, _ Final As Spreadsheet) As Boolean

On Error 
Dim nr As Integer 
Dim nc As Integer 

If (Final.NumberOfCases<ii) Then
Final.AddCases(Final.NumberOfCases, _ ii-Final.NumberOfCases)
Final.DeleteCases(ii+1, Final.NumberOfCases)
End If

If (Final.NumberOfVariables<jj) Then
Final.AddVariables("Var",Final.NumberOfVariables, _ jj-Final.NumberOfVariables)
Final.DeleteVariables(jj+1, Final.NumberOfVariables)
End If

Finish: End Function 
' This function finds the dependent variables that 
' are significantly related to the set of categorical 
' predictor variables Function FindSignificantlyPredictedDVs As Boolean

On Error GoTo Finish 
Dim i As Integer 
Dim j As Integer 
Dim k As Integer 
Dim ncolumns As Integer 
Dim x8,SSTotal,SSresidual As Double 

For i=1 To ndep 
Vars (i)=DependentVariableList(i)
For j=1 To 2
Next j
Next i

ReDim IDVars(1 To nindep) As Integer 

For i=1 To nindep
IDVars(i) = IndependentVariableList(i)
Next i

Set newanalysis = Analysis (scBasicStatistics) With newanalysis.Dialog
.Statistics = scBasBreakdowns
End With

newanalysis.Run 'Format the variable list into a string Dim VarString As String

'get the DVs For i = 1 To UBound(Vars)
VarString = VarString + Str(Vars(i))
Next i

'get the IVs VarString = VarString + "|"

For i = 1 To UBound(IDVars)
VarString = VarString + Str(IDVars(i))
Next i

With newanalysis.Dialog
.Variables = VarString .Codes = ""
End With

Set AnovaSpreadsheet=newanalysis.Dialog.AnalysisOfVariance 
ncolumns=AnovaSpreadsheet.Item(1).NumberOfVariables k=0 For i=1 To ndep


If x8<=AlphaValue Then

k=k+1 VarNames(k)=ActiveDataSet.VariableName(Vars(i)) 

' Compute R-Square
SSTotal=AnovaSpreadsheet.Item(1).value(i,1)+ _ AnovaSpreadsheet.Item(1).value(i,4)
SSresidual=AnovaSpreadsheet.Item(1).value(i,4) If (SSTotal>0) Then

End If
End If

Next i

NSignificantDVs=k FindSignificantlyPredictedDVs =(NSignificantDVs>0)

Finish: End Function 
' This function generates the summary results Spreadsheet Function MakeSummarySpreadsheet As Boolean

Dim Final As Spreadsheet 
Set Final = Application.Spreadsheets.New 
If (Not SetSpreadsheetNumberOfRowsAndColumns( _ NSignificantDVs,2,Final)) _ Then 
GoTo Finish

Final.VariableName(1) = "R-square" Final.VariableFormatString(1)="#.#####" 
Final.VariableName(2) = "p-value" Final.VariableFormatString(2)="#.#####" 
Final.CaseNameLength=20 Final.CaseNameWidth=1.5 For i=1 To NSignificantDVs
Final.value(i,1)=RSquares(i,1) Final.value(i,2)=RSquares(i,2) Final.CaseName(i)=VarNames(i)

Next i

Set folder = ResWB.InsertFolder(ResWB.Root,)
folder.Name = "Summary R-square" 
Dim si As WorkbookItem 
Set si = ResWB.InsertObject(Final, folder, scWorkbookLastChild) 
MakeSummarySpreadsheet = True 
Finish: End Function 
' This function computes detailed statistics for a selected 
' set of variables; it is based on a macro recording from 
' Basic Statistics Function ComputeDetailedStatistics As Boolean

Dim Indeps() As Integer 
Dim Deps() As Integer 
Dim Tempo As String 
Dim i As Integer 
Dim j As Integer On Error 


Finish ComputeDetailedStatistics=False 
Set newanalysis = Analysis (scBasicStatistics) 

With newanalysis.Dialog
.Statistics = scBasBreakdowns
End With newanalysis.Run 

ReDim Indeps (1 To nindep) As Integer For i=1 To nindep
j=IndependentVariableList(i) Indeps(i)=j
Next i ReDim Deps (1 To ndep) As Integer Tempo="" 

For i=1 To ndep
j=DependentVariableList(i) Tempo=Tempo+Str(j)+" " Deps(i)=j
Next i 

'Format the variable list into a string Dim VarString As String
'get the DVs For i = 1 To UBound(Deps)
VarString = VarString + Str(Deps(i))
Next i

'get the IVs VarString = VarString + "|"

For i = 1 To UBound(Indeps)
VarString = VarString + Str(Indeps(i))
Next i

With newanalysis.Dialog
.Variables = VarString .Codes = ""
End With newanalysis.Run newanalysis.Dialog.ResultsVariables = Tempo 

If (nindep>=2) Then
newanalysis.Dialog.ResultsSelection = "1 | 2 "
End If 

Set sg=newanalysis.Dialog.CategorizedMeansInteractionPlots 
Set folder = ResWB.InsertFolder(ResWB.Root,)

folder.Name = "Plot of interactions" 

Dim si As WorkbookItem 

For i=1 To sg.Count
Set si = ResWB.InsertObject(sg.Item(i), _ folder, scWorkbookLastChild)
Next i With newanalysis.Dialog

.DependentVariablesForPostHocTests = Deps
End With Set s=newanalysis.Dialog.ScheffeTest Set folder = ResWB.InsertFolder(ResWB.Root,)
folder.Name = "Scheffe post-hoc tests" For i=1 To ndep

Set si = ResWB.InsertObject(s.Item(i), folder, _ scWorkbookLastChild)
Next i ComputeDetailedStatistics=True
Finish: End Function

If you run this program using the example data file Exp.sta and request detailed analyses, then various plots and summary spreadsheets will be computed and displayed in a workbook.


Note: further customization of programs, in fact of the entire Statistica system, can be achieved by controlling events related to the results spreadsheets and graphs (see Controlling Statistica Events with SVB Programs). For example, you could further "beautify" the program by launching additional analyses when the user clicks on particular cells in the initial results spreadsheet, etc.