Model Profiler - Output Tab

Select the Output tab of the Model Profiler to access the options described here.

Simulation Specs for Dependent Variables. Use the options in this group box to set simulation specifications for the dependent variables in the model.

No. of runs.
Number of values generated for each predictor variable.
Edit Correlation Y
Click this button to edit the correlation matrix for multivariate noises to be added to dependent variables. The valid range is -1<=x<=1. This option is available when Add multivariate noise is selected from the second Edit Spec for drop-down list (see the next option description).
Edit Spec for
The first drop-down list is used to select the dependent variable for which the simulation specifications are being specified. The second drop-down list is used to specify if a random standard normal noise will be added to the calculated predictor values.
Std. Dev.
Specify the standard deviation for the standard normal noise added to the selected dependent variable.
Specify the lower specification limit for the dependent variable chosen in Edit spec for drop-down list.
Specify the upper specification limit for the dependent variable chosen in Edit spec for drop-down list.
Specify the target value for the dependent variable chosen in Edit spec for drop-down list. This, along with valid spec limits, will be used to generate process capability statistics for the chosen dependent variable.
Capability Stats
Click this button to produce a spreadsheet of capability stats, which includes Z-bench statistics, confidence bounds, and a process capability histogram.
Summary Stats
Click this button to produce a spreadsheet of summary stats, which includes Mean, confidence bounds,  Kurtosis, etc.
Summary Graph
Click this button to produce several summary graphs of the model as well as summary statistics.