Unstack Variables

This node unstacks each input using the variables specified. The following example illustrates the unstacking process:

 SampleID Gender Value

 Selecting ' SampleID' as the row variable, 'Gender' as the column variable, and 'Value' as the value variable would produce the following output:

 A 1 2
 B 3 4
 C 5

 Row variables: One or more variables can be specified. The unique combinations of values will define a single case of output.

 Column variables : One or more variables can be selected. Each unique combination of values in these fields will become a separate column in the resulting dataset.

 Value variables: One or more variables can be selected. These values will be placed into the individual variables defined by the values in the column variables and row variables. If more than one value is created, the multiple values will be aggregated (The method of aggregation is defined by the 'Aggregate type' entry).


Element Name Description
Aggregate type Defines how to aggregate multiple variables defined in the value variable selection.

 *The following is a listing of the variable selection requirements for this node:

 Row variables = Categorical predictors (Optional)

 Column variables = Categorical dependent variables (Requires at least one)

 Value variables = Continuous dependent variables(Requires at least one).
Aggregate formula If the Aggregate type selected is 'Evaluate a formula', this entry specifies the formula used to concatenate the aggregate variable values.

 This should be a standard spreadsheet formula expression, and can reference any variables in the input dataset.
Multiple values Defines how to handle multiple values found with the same row variable/column variable values. If no row variables are specified, 'Generate an error' must be selected.
Sorted data If the data is pre-sorted, 'True' should be selected. Should the data be out of order, an error will be displayed.

 If 'False', the data will be internally sorted before performing the unstacking process.
Include unselected variables Specify handling of unselected variables.

 If 'True', unselected variables will be present in the resulting spreadsheet, using the first value that was found for a particular row variable combination.

 If 'False', unselected variables will not be included in the resulting spreadsheet.
Variable name separator When either multiple column variables are selected, or multiple value variables are selected, variable names are generated by concatenating the individual column variable values with the value variable names.

 This entry specifies the string used to separate the concatenated values.
Maximum variables Defines the limit for the number of variables that will be added as a result of the unstacking.

 This is helpful in protecting against incorrect variables being selected as column variables.
Use selection conditions Determines if the input datasource selection conditions are applied in the unstacking of the data.