Custom Split Groups

  1. Select a continuous variable in the Predictor variables pane in the Weight of Evidence (WoE) Startup Panel.
  2. Click the Customize groups button to display the Custom Split Groups dialog box, which contains options to apply custom splits to the selected continuous predictor.

Creating New Splits

  1. Select the desired partition in the Groups pane to examine.
  2. Use the slider in the Split pane (or the value edit field) to set a specific split.
  3. Click the Recalc button to examine various statistics for the proposed split before applying it via the Split button.
  4. You can also click the Qsplit button to automatically split the selected partition in the location where the Interval WoE graph shows the greatest difference and where the minimum number of Bad cases is greater than the Min Bad N.

Collapsing Partitions

To combine (collapse) partitions

  1. Select the respective adjacent intervals in the Groups pane.
  2. Click the Collapse button, and the selected intervals will then be collapsed into a single new interval, and the results will be updated. The partition labeled Missing is the group of observations with missing predictor values.
  3. To pair the Missing group, select the Missing category and respective interval and click the Collapse button.

Predictor information.


Click this button to restore the default partitioning (data shown when this dialog box was first displayed).

Group Summary

The Group Summary pane contains the summary of the partition for the selected predictor variable and for the selected group type. This pane is updated after a group is collapsed or split.


The Groups pane shows the current selected partitioning (based on the selected group type) of the selected predictor variable.


The WoE pane contains a graph of the WoE values for all possible values either over the specific partition or Interval, or the entire Overall value range. Specifically, the graph will contain two lines:

  • One to indicate the WoE value for all cases less than the respective split value
  • One to indicate the WoE value for all cases greater than the respective split value.
    Note: No Solution is shown instead of the graph if for the selected interval or split the WoE values for the respective groups cannot be computed.

Modify Groups.


Click this button to set the split as defined (for example, at the specific value) in the Split pane).


Click this button to collapse selected adjacent groups. Non-contiguous intervals cannot be collapsed.


Click this button to undo the last action in the Custom split groups dialog box.


Click this button to redo the undo command.

Discover Best Split.


Click this button to automatically select a split with the greatest WoE difference between the two resulting groups, subject to the condition that the minimum N in each group is greater than the Min bad N value.

Min bad N

Set the value for the minimum N that is allowed to result when the Qsplit option is used.

Create k custom groups with equal.

Use the options in this group box to create k custom non-optimal groups.


Click this button to create k groups that have approximately an equal number of cases.


Click this button to create k groups where the intervals for each group are of equal width.


Click this button to create k groups that have approximately an equal number of bad cases.


In this pane, set the desired split value for the selected interval.


Click the Recalc button to update all values in the Custom split groups dialog box.


Add or edit comments in this box

Only text can be used, and cannot exceed 2,000 characters. The comments will be displayed in the header of the custom crosstabulation output.


Click this button to accept the current partitioning. This partitioning will be set as the Custom group type in the Weight of Evidence (WoE) Startup Panel.


Click Cancel to discard all custom selections made in this dialog box.