Cox Proportional Hazards Results - Quick Tab
Select the Quick tab to access to access the options described below:
Element Name | Description |
Goodness of Fit | Creates a spreadsheet that contains the following summary statistics: -2LogL, AIC, SBC, R2, Score, Likelihood Ratio, and Wald statistic, which describe the overall fit of the model. |
Iteration history | Creates a spreadsheet that contains the values of the log-likelihood and the parameter estimates for each individual iteration of the estimation algorithm. |
Parameter estimates | Creates a spreadsheet that contains the values of the parameter estimates, standard errors of the parameter estimates, chi-square statistic, p-value associated with the chi-square statistic, confidence intervals, hazard ratios, and confidence intervals for hazard ratios. |
Type 3 Tests | Creates a spreadsheet that contains the values of the type 3 tests for fixed effects. |
Design Terms | Creates a spreadsheet that contains the information for each individual column of the design matrix. |
Covariance matrix | Produces the covariance matrix. |
Estimate |
If you have not already specified a matrix of coefficients (by clicking the button), click the Estimate button to display the Specify Effect to Estimate dialog box. In the spreadsheet, you can specify a matrix of coefficients; the transpose of this matrix is post-multiplied by the matrix of parameter estimates to yield a linear combination of parameter estimates that specifies a hypothesis (or simultaneous set of hypotheses) that is tested. To use the common notation, Statistica expects you to specify a matrix of estimable functions L' (L transposed; L is assumed to be a row matrix), specifically, the statistical significance tests pertain to the hypothesis: Lb = 0 where L is the transposed matrix of coefficients specified in the Specify Effect to Estimate dialog box), and b is the matrix of parameter estimates. The user-defined L matrices are tested for estimability as well as redundancy (i.e., if a column in L' is a linear function of other columns), and if any of these conditions occur, an error message is displayed. |
Residuals spreadsheet | This group box contains options for displaying residuals. |
Residuals | Produces a spreadsheet containing the selected residuals. Specify desired residuals by selecting the respective check boxes below this button. |
Save | Displays a variable selection dialog box, which is used to select variable(s) to be displayed together with the residual values in a data file for further analysis. |