Predictor Screening Results - Continuous Response Tab

Select the Continuous response tab of the Predictor Screening Results dialog box to access these options.

Element Name Description
Summary: Variable importance Click this button to produce a variable importance spreadsheet with the predictors sorted according the criterion specified on the Advanced tab of the Predictor Screening Startup Panel.
Results This group box contains options to display the results of the predictor screening analysis for the selected continuous response variable.
Select predictor From this drop-down list, select a specific predictor to display results for, or select All predictors to display output for all selected predictors.
Breakdown summary Click this button to create a descriptive statistical summary spreadsheet of the response variable broken down by each level of the optimally binned predictor variable. The spreadsheet contains statistical summary information (e.g., means, confidence intervals, robust statistics, etc.), which allows for drilling down into each individual bin enabling you to discover how the response changes across levels of the optimally binned predictor variable.
Box Plot Click this button to produce a categorized box plot of the response variable for each level of the optimally binned predictor variable.
Overlaid scatterplot with means This output is only available for continuous predictors. Click this button to produce a scatterplot of the original predictor and response variables. Additionally, the median is overlaid on top of the scatterplot along with a mean diamond plot (a diamond plot displays the mean and associated 95% confidence interval for the mean where the endpoints of the interval are found along the lower and upper vertices of the diamond) for each level of the optimally binned predictor variable.