Options - Documents/Spreadsheets: Navigation/Defaults

In the Options dialog box, select the Navigation/Defaults tab (under Documents/Spreadsheets) to access options to customize the global functionality of Statistica Spreadsheets. The specifications made on this tab determine the defaults whenever you use a spreadsheet.
Option Description
Auto-move after Enter in Spreadsheets You can use the options in this group box to control the movement of the cursor when you press the Enter key after you enter or edit data in the spreadsheet.
Off Does not move the cursor after you press ENTER.
Down Moves the cursor down to the next cell in the column (or to the top of the next column if you are in the last cell in the column).
Right Moves right to the next cell in the row (or to the beginning of the next row if you are in the last cell of the row).
TAB key You can use the options in this group box to control the action that occurs when you press the Tab key after you enter or edit data in the spreadsheet.
Navigate Moves from cell to cell.
Insert TAB character Moves multiple spaces within a cell.
Max. displayed column width Use this drop-down list to select the maximum width (in inches) of columns (variables).
Custom Select this check box and enter a value in the corresponding box (or use the microscrolls) to specify the maximum width of columns (variables).
Auto-recalculate spreadsheet formulas when data change Select this check box to automatically recalculate all of the spreadsheet formulas when the data are changed in the spreadsheet.
Include background color when copying body of Spreadsheet Select this check box to include the background color of data cells that you are copying to the Clipboard. By default, the check box is cleared.
Include background color when copying headers of Spreadsheet Select this check box to include the background color of case/variable headers that you are copying to the Clipboard. By default the check box is cleared.
Enable query undo (not recommended for large amounts of retrieved data) Select this check box to make Undo refreshing query from the Edit menu available after you retrieve external data using Statistica Query.
Automatically copy auto filters to selection conditions Select this check box for spreadsheet selection conditions to be updated immediately as the auto filter criteria changes. This causes any connected graphs to update.
In formulas and rules, compare text labels as text Select this check box for variable comparisons to be based on text rather than the numeric equivalents. When the check box is cleared, comparisons are based on the numeric equivalents.

For example, suppose you create a spreadsheet and set case 1 of V1 to be MALE and case 1 of V2 to be COKE, and both have the numeric equivalent of 101.

  • Check box cleared: a formula in V3 comparing V1 and V2 will compare them as equal, i.e., both have equal numeric codes.
  • Check box selected: a formula in V3 comparing V1 and V2 will compare the text, i.e., when both inputs have both text and numeric, the text will be compared.
Default Spreadsheet Layout Displays the Spreadsheet Layouts dialog box, where you can select the spreadsheet layout to use whenever a new data file is created.
Extrapolating data Use the options in this group box to specify the action to occur when you extrapolate outside of the currently defined spreadsheet. Specify to Add cases/variables if outside data scope, Extrapolate within existing data limits, or Always prompt. When the Always prompt option button is selected, the Extrapolate Values dialog box is displayed when you extrapolate outside of the currently defined spreadsheet.
Year to start century for 2-digit year specification in dates Enter the appropriate year. The default value is 1930; hence, all values between (and including) 30 and 99 are in the 1900s. All values between (and including) 00 and 29 are in the 2000s.
Use Excel-style Julian date format This option affects the way in which dates are interpreted and displayed when a date format is selected as the display format for variables. Specifically, the algorithm used in Microsoft Excel to convert Julian dates for display in conventional date formats (example, April 24, 1957 = 20934) starts counting at day 1, and interprets the year 1900 as a leap year. As a result, when copying and pasting between different applications (that do not employ the algorithm used in Microsoft Excel, such as Microsoft's SQL Server, which starts counting from day 0 and does not interpret 1900 as a leap year), you might see the displayed date changed by two days.

Select this check box to activate the Microsoft Excel-based algorithm (interpreting 1900 as a leap year, and starting with day 1); clear this check box if you plan to exchange data with other applications that do not interpret 1900 as a leap year, and that start counting days at day number 0 (zero).

Note: Changing this option while working with existing data (formatted as dates). Changing this option while working with an existing data file (with variables containing values displayed as dates) may change the actual dates that are displayed in the respective columns of the spreadsheet. To adjust the manner in which Julian dates are changed to displayed dates in an existing data file without changing the displayed dates, follow these steps:
  1. Change the variable Type for the variable to Text. This changes the displayed dates into simple text values.
  2. Set the Use Excel-style Julian date format option as desired.
  3. Change the variable Type back to Date. This applies the currently selected algorithm for converting dates to Julian dates.
Combine Excluded and Hidden Case States into Off state When this check box is selected, this state is enabled, which is the combination of the Hidden state and the Excluded state, and the point will be excluded from computations and from graphs. When this check box is cleared, the case states can be either Hidden or Excluded, as specified in the Case State dialog box, accessible by selecting Edit Case States from the Data - Cases - Case States submenu.
Start numeric values that are automatically assigned to Text Labels with Enter the value you want assigned to the first text label in this box. By default, this value is 101. The range of valid numeric values assigned to text labels is -32,768 to 32,767, with the exception of -999999998 (the default missing data code); if the maximum numeric value is reached and negative values have not yet been used, negative numeric values, starting with -32,768, are assigned.
Maximum number of Text Labels for each spreadsheet variable By default, there is a lower limit of 65,535 values assigned to Text Labels. You can use the microscrolls to increase this limit up to 2,147,483,647 values.
Default Missing Data Value In cases where there is no data available for some variables, then those cells in the spreadsheet are displayed as blanks. Those missing data are marked in the spreadsheet by a reserved value (by default it is -999999998). You can use the microscroll to change this value globally.
Temp File Path This option enables you to specify the location on your computer (hard-disk) where you want to store the temporary files that Statistica creates during various data management operations. When the Default option button is selected, these files are created in the system TEMP directory. Select the Custom option button and enter a path to specify a different location. When the Use this as the users temporary path for this session option button is selected, the user's temporary file environment variable is temporarily changed to use the Statistica temporary file path, which is either the default path or the custom path. This option is useful for low disk space scenarios since Statistica can potentially create large temporary files during the course of operation.

In general, when working with large data files, ensure that this location has at least as much free space as the largest data file on which you want to perform extensive editing operations.

Cache Size This option enables you to customize (optimize) the cache size used by the system when reading or processing data files. In most cases, the Default setting produces a good balance between optimum performance for data analyses and data management operations, and even if your work routinely involves very large data files, this parameter does not need to be customized. However, when working with extremely large data sets (example, in the tens of gigabytes range), and when performing various data management operations (requiring repeated writing-to-disk operations), you might want to set the Custom cache size to a large value (example, more than 1000kB, which is more than 1 Megabytes). The effectiveness of specifying larger cache sizes for data management operations on extremely large data files also depend on the amount of memory you have installed on your computer (that can be used for caching), as well as whether or not you open large data files in direct mode.
During printing, wrap header when the line is longer than the variable columns You can select this check box to create evenly spaced columns in the printed spreadsheet when the header line is longer than the variable columns. This option also applies to PDF exporting.