2D Graphs Overview
- Conceptual Overviews - 2D Histograms
- Conceptual Overviews - 2D Scatterplots
- Conceptual Overviews - 2D Box (and Means with Error) Plots
- Conceptual Overviews - 2D Range Plots
- Conceptual Overviews - 2D Line Plots (Variables)
- Conceptual Overviews - 2D Scatterplot with Error Bars
A 2D Scatterplot with error bars is a scatterplot where error bars are generated for all x-axis values that have more than one y-value associated with them. By default, the error bars are calculated as 95% confidence interval around the mean of the y variable for the specific x-value. - Bag Plots - Introductory Overview
Bag plots (Rousseeuw, Ruts, & Tukey, 1999) are the bivariate extension of the univariate box plot. The box plot (this term was first used by Tukey, 1970) is a tool for exploratory data analysis. With a box plot, the important characteristics of a distribution (location, dispersion, skewness, and tails) can be quickly visualized. An example of a box plot can be seen below. - Conceptual Overviews - Scatter Icon Plots
- Conceptual Overviews - Scatter Image Plots
A scatter image plot is a scatterplot with point markers which are images representing each specific data point (defined by the scatterplot {X, Y} coordinates). The basic idea of using images in a scatterplot is to represent individual points as particular graphical objects, so that the points with similar characteristics (e.g., same gender in a Height vs. weight scatterplot, or individuals in a certain age bracket in a weight vs. blood pressure scatterplot) can be easily identified. This pictorial version of the scatterplot can reveal a great deal of information about other aspects (in addition to the X and Y variables) of the problem; there may be clustering of individuals falling into the same age brackets, or of individuals of the same gender. These are only a few of the numerous situations where using images for the points can significantly add to the information that a simple scatterplot would not be able to depict. - Conceptual Overviews - Normal Probability Plots
- Conceptual Overviews - Quantile-Quantile Plots
- Conceptual Overviews - Probability-Probability Plots
- Conceptual Overviews - Pie Charts
- Conceptual Overviews - Sequential/Stacked Plots
- Conceptual Overviews - Missing/Range Data Plots
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