GLM, GRM, and ANOVA Results - Resids Tab
Select the Resids tab (Residuals tab) of the GLM Results, GRM Results, or ANOVA Results dialog box to access options to display and plot a large number of residual statistics for the current model. To produce 2D or 3D plots of predicted or residual values against the observed values of other variables (e.g., predictor variables), click the More results button to display the GLM Results dialog box - Residuals 2 tab.
Element Name | Description |
Sample | Select the respective option button under Sample to specify which type of sample to base the predicted and residual statistics. You can display and plot predicted and residual values for all observations that were used to compute the current results (select Analysis), all observations that were not used to compute the current results, but have valid data for all predictor and dependent variables (select Cross-val.), all observations in both the analysis sample and the cross-validation sample (select Both), or all cases that have valid data for the predictor variables, but missing data for at least one dependent variable (select Pred). If these options are not available, no valid cases in the Prediction sample were found, and/or no Cross-validation sample was specified on the Quick Specs Dialog - Options tab, or via the SAMPLE keyword on the GLM Analysis Syntax Editor. |
Dep. variables. | Click the Dep. variables button to display the Select Dependent Variables dialog box, which is used to select a subset of the dependent variables for the residual statistics. Note that the predicted and residual values are computed for the dependent variables for the analysis only, any within-subject (repeated measures) factors are ignored. |
Show predicted and residual values | Use the options under Show predicted and residual values to compute the desired predicted and residual statistics and to display them along with other variables in the current datafile. |
Predicted and residuals | Click the Predicted and residuals button to display a spreadsheet of the observed, predicted, and residual values for each selected Dependent variable (see above). If the Cross-val option button is selected under Sample, then only the observations in the Cross-validation sample will be shown; if the Pred option button is selected, then only the observations in the prediction sample will be shown (see above). |
Extended | To display predicted and residual statistics in addition to the basic observed, predicted, and residual values when you click the Predicted and residuals button, select the Extended check box. Note that the setting of the Extended check box also determines the number of different statistics for each dependent variable that will be displayed via the Save button. If the Extended check box is selected, then in addition to the predicted, observed, and residual values, STATISTICA will compute the (default) 95% Prediction intervals and 95% Confidence limits, the Standardized predicted and Standardized residual scores, the Studentized residual scores, the Leverage values, the Deleted residuals and Studentized deleted residual scores, Mahalanobis and Cook distance scores, the DFFITS statistic, and the Standardized DFFITS statistic. |
Spreadsheet for each dependent variable | When there is more than a single dependent variable in the current analysis, then by default the predicted and residual statistics for all variables are shown in a single spreadsheet, where consecutive dependent variables will occupy consecutive groups of columns. Select the Spreadsheet for each dependent variable check box to display a separate spreadsheet for each dependent variable. |
Sort | The Sort drop-down box provides a number of options for ordering the cases or runs shown in the Predicted and residual values spreadsheet (see Predicted and residuals above). From this combo box you can select to sort the cases by Case numbers, by Observed, Predicted or Residual values, by Standard errors of predicted values, by Standardized predicted, Standardized residual or Studentized residual scores, by Leverage values, by Deleted residuals, Studentized deleted residuals, Mahalanobis distance, or Cook distance scores, by the DFFITS statistic, or by the Standardized DFFITS statistic. The default is to sort cases by Case numbers; note that if any other sort order is requested, then the Spreadsheet for each dependent variable check box is automatically selected. |
- Save
- Click the Save button to display a standard variable selection window, which is used to select variable(s) to be displayed together with the residual and predicted values in a data file for further analysis. After you select the variable(s), a spreadsheet containing the specified variable(s) along with numerous residual statistics will be displayed in an individual window (regardless of the settings in the Options dialog box - Output Manager tab or the Analysis/Graph Output Manager dialog box). You can, however, add the spreadsheet to a workbook or report using the
buttons, respectively. Note that in order to save the spreadsheet, you must select the spreadsheet and select Save or Save As from the File menu. This is useful if you want to use the residual values for further analyses with other STATISTICA analyses. See the description of Extended statistics (above) for a list of the default statistics saved when the Extended check box is selected.
- Plots of predicted and residual values
- The options under Plots of predicted and residual values are used to produce various plots of predicted and residual values for each selected Dependent variable (see above). if the Cross-val. option button is selected under Sample, then only the observations in the Cross-validation sample will be shown; if the Pred option button is selected, then only the observations in the Prediction sample will be shown (see above). To produce 2D or 3D plots of predicted or residual values against the observed values of other variables (e.g., predictor variables), click the More results button to display the GLM Results dialog box - Residuals 2 tab.
- Pred. values.
- Click the Pred. values button to display a histogram of the predicted values.
- Pred. & resids.
- Click the Pred. & resids button to display a 2D scatterplot of the predicted versus residual values; the specific residual values that will be computed can be chosen via the options under Resids for default plots on the GLM, GRM, and ANOVA More Results - Residuals 1 tab (available by clicking the More results button).
- Residuals
- Click the Residuals button to display a histogram of the residual values; the specific value that will be computed can be chosen via the options under Resids for default plots on the GLM, GRM, and ANOVA More Results dialog boxes - Residuals 1 tab (available by clicking the More results button).
- Obs. & pred.
- Click the Obs. & pred. button to display a 2D scatterplot of the observed versus predicted values.
- P-plot of resids
- Click the P-plot of resids button to display a normal probability plot of the residual values; the specific value that will be computed can be chosen via the options under Resids for default plots on the GLM, GRM, and ANOVA More Results dialog boxes - Residuals 1 tab (available by clicking the More results button).
- Obs. & resids.
- Click the Obs. & resids button to display a 2D scatterplot of the observed versus residual values; the specific residual values that will be computed can be chosen via the options under Resids for default plots on the GLM, GRM, and ANOVA More Results dialog boxes - Residuals 1 tab (available by clicking the More results button).
- Half-n
- Click the Half-n. button to display a half-normal probability plot of the residual values; the specific value that will be computed can be chosen via the options under Resids for default plots on the GLM, GRM, and ANOVA More Results dialog boxes - Residuals 1 tab (available by clicking the More results button).
- Abs
- Select the Abs. check box to plot the respected absolute residual values in the half-normal probability plot (see Half-n above).
- Res. & del. res.
- res. Click the Res. & del. res. button to display a 2D scatterplot of the residual values versus the deleted residuals.
- Detr. norm. plot.
- plot. Click the Detr. norm. plot button to display a detrended normal probability plot of the residual values; the specific value that will be computed can be chosen via the options under Resids for default plots on the GLM, GRM, and ANOVA More Results dialog boxes - Residuals 1 tab (available by clicking the More results button).
- Case no. & res.
- Click the Case no. & res. button to display a 2D scatterplot of the residual values versus the case numbers (of the observations in the plot). This plot is useful in order to detect any serial correlation between the residuals for consecutive observations.
See also GLM - Index.
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