Principal Components and Classification Analysis Results
Principal Components and Factor Analysis
Click the OK button in the Principal Components and Classification Analysis Startup Panel to display the Principal Components and Classification Analysis Results dialog box, which contains four tabs: Quick, Variables, Cases, and Descriptives.
This dialog box makes available a variety of results of the PCCA. These results can be computed for the variables and cases. The results that can be produced are: factor coordinates of the variables and the cases, factor scores of cases, the factor and variable correlations, communalities, contribution of variables and cases, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. In addition, some graphics are available to provide you with the visual aid for the purpose of classification.
- Summary box
- The Summary box at the top of the dialog box displays a general summary of the current analysis.
Copy button Click the Copy button to copy either the selected text (if text has been selected) in the Summary box or all of the text (if no text has been selected) to the Clipboard. Note that the copied text retains formatting information (such as font, color, and so on).
Contract/Expand button Click the Contract/Expand button to contract or expand the Summary box. When contracted, you can see only one line of the Summary box text and can scroll through the text using a scroll bar. Note that when contracted, the text is scrolled so that the first non-blank line is at the top. When expanded (the default setting), the entire Summary box is displayed on the Principal Components and Classification Analysis Results dialog box.
Number of factors. Enter the number of factors to be computed in the Principal Components Analysis and displayed in the spreadsheets in the Number of factors field. You can change this number at any stage of the analysis.
Note: Quality of representation. For each selected number in the Number of factors field, the percent of total variance explained by the respective number of factors is displayed as the quality of representation. Note that the Quality of representation field works in conjunction with the Number of factors field: the value displayed in this field is recalculated whenever the number in the Number of factors field is changed. By default this field shows 100 % quality of representation corresponding to the maximum number of factors shown in the Number of factors field (see above). - OK
- Click the OK button to display a spreadsheet with the factor coordinates of the active and supplementary variables (if selected through the Variables button of the Principal Components and Classification Analysis Startup Panel - Quick tab). To distinguish between the two types of variables in the current analysis, the supplementary variables are marked with an asterisk (*). The factor coordinates are commonly referred to as factor loadings, and provide useful information for the interpretation of the factors. Refer to the Introductory Overview for additional details.
- Cancel
- Click the Cancel button to return to the Principal Components and Classification Analysis Startup Panel.
- Options
- Click the Options button to display the Options menu.