SPC Charts - Custom Titles
Use this tab to define the following parameters:
You can define the titles using a number of special data driven keywords as listed below:
- <CHART TYPE>: will insert the chart type selected, such as X Chart, EWMA X-bar Chart, as so on.
- <PARAM>: will insert the name of the characteristic (based on its variable name, or if run by group, the group value text).
- <UOM>: will insert the last non-blank value in the variable matching *_UOM to the characteristic if defined in the input data. For example, if my characteristic is named MyChar, and there is a column called MyChar_UOM, then the last valid value in this variable will be used as the unit of measurement text.
- <SAMPLEID>: will insert the variable name of the variable used as sample ID. If a sample ID variable is not provided (and the analysis can run without a sample ID), then it will place the text "Sequential Sample ID".
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