Correlation Matrices

Creates the correlation matrix for the currently selected variables. If the All results level of detail is requested, a scatterplot matrix for the selected variables is also computed. Choose the Detailed results display format to compute various descriptive statistics and other parameters (slope, regression weight) for the results spreadsheet.


Element Name Description
Detail of computed results reported Specifies the level of computed results reported. If All results is requested, then a scatterplot matrix for all variables will also be computed.
Format of results Select Matrix to compute a standard correlation matrix; select Display P and N to compute an augmented correlation matrix that includes those statistics; select Detailed results to compute a detailed table of results with descriptive statistics and the parameters for the regression equation.
Deletion of missing data With casewise deletion of missing data, a case will be deleted from all analyses if it has missing data for any selected variable; with pairwise deletion of missing data, a case will only be deleted from the computations for a particular correlation coefficient if it has missing data for either one of the two variables involved.
p for highlighting results The default p-value for highlighting is .05; significant t-tests with p less than or equal to this value will be shown in the highlight color in the results spreadsheets.